2009 Partial Rate Housing Allowance
Partial Rate BAH is intended to partially compensate members for living in single-government quarters, as such quarters are generally below the DOD standards for single members living off base and receiving a military housing allowance.
In other words, the member isn't giving up his/her entire housing allowance entitlement in exchange for living in on-base quarters and on ships. Like regular BAH, partial rate BAH is not subject to income taxes.
Behow are the Partial BAH rates for calendar year 2009. The rates are effective on January 1, 2009:
2009 Partial BAH Rates
Officer Rates | |
Paygrade | Partial-rate |
O-10 | $50.70 |
O-9 | 50.70 |
O-8 | 50.70 |
O-7 | 50.70 |
O-6 | 39.60 |
O-5 | 33.00 |
O-4 | 26.70 |
O-3 | 22.20 |
O-2 | 17.70 |
O-1 | 13.20 |
O-3E | 22.20 |
O-2E | 17.70 |
O-1E | 13.20 |
Warrant Officer Rates | |
Paygrade | Partial-rate |
W-5 | 25.20 |
W-4 | 25.20 |
W-3 | 20.70 |
W-2 | 15.90 |
W-1 | 13.80 |
Enlisted Rates | |
Paygrade | Partial-rate |
E-9 | 18.60 |
E-8 | 15.30 |
E-7 | 12.00 |
E-6 | 9.90 |
E-5 | 8.70 |
E-4 | 8.10 |
E-3 | 7.80 |
E-2 | 7.20 |
E-1 | 6.90 |