Writing Your First Book - Prepare Your Mental Tool Chest in Advance to Make Writing Easier
It sounds a little silly to talk about your mental tool kit.
Like your brain was some form of mechanics chest full of wee little esoteric tools.
Tools that you could pull out and use whenever you wanted to.
Tools that would get you where you wanted to go.
Tools that could make you rich or thin or sexy or whatever you choose them to create from your life! It sounds silly but it really is a pretty accurate way of thinking about them.
It doesn't matter whether your goal is financial freedom or writing a book or eBook.
The tools work.
That's a well-known fact.
Even I can't argue with the fact that one person can create a success of themselves while another person becomes a failure.
And inevitably the winner places much of their success at the feet of someone who has taught them these mental tools.
In fact, the simpler the task -- writing a book -- the more clearly your can see that having your mental tools prepared is crucial to success.
Success begins in the mind.
It begins with the application of your imagination, your mental and physical abilities and with your discipline.
Now there are a lot of esoteric reasons given for the association of mental tools and success.
The mind creates a wave in the ether that draws success to you.
The strong belief causes energy to flow out creating your success.
Your belief causes a confluence of events that causes success to be inevitable.
It's a form of telepathy that causes events to happen.
It's magic! Now I may be betraying my Celtic roots but personally, I'm not much of a one for esoteric explanations.
And I really have a hard time believing in ritual magic -- no matter what its name.
Frankly the self-improvement through mental magic crowd tends to turn me off.
I'd really rather believe in a prosaic explanation rather than the esoteric explanation.
And the simplest explanation is that tools like active visioning help you to focus on what you want, why you want it and to develop a strong belief in your ability to attain it.
And that focus allows you to identify when conditions are right for you to achieve your goal.
And it gives you the courage to work towards that goal.
Mental tools such as active visioning help you to clearly see the end state you want, the benefits of getting there, the path to get there and the effort involved.
And the more clearly you see both those things the more likely you are to put in the effort involved.
The more likely you are to make the right choices.
And the more likely you are to actually achieve those goals.
And that's true whether your goal is success in business or in life or something as simple as writing a book or eBook.
Like your brain was some form of mechanics chest full of wee little esoteric tools.
Tools that you could pull out and use whenever you wanted to.
Tools that would get you where you wanted to go.
Tools that could make you rich or thin or sexy or whatever you choose them to create from your life! It sounds silly but it really is a pretty accurate way of thinking about them.
It doesn't matter whether your goal is financial freedom or writing a book or eBook.
The tools work.
That's a well-known fact.
Even I can't argue with the fact that one person can create a success of themselves while another person becomes a failure.
And inevitably the winner places much of their success at the feet of someone who has taught them these mental tools.
In fact, the simpler the task -- writing a book -- the more clearly your can see that having your mental tools prepared is crucial to success.
Success begins in the mind.
It begins with the application of your imagination, your mental and physical abilities and with your discipline.
Now there are a lot of esoteric reasons given for the association of mental tools and success.
The mind creates a wave in the ether that draws success to you.
The strong belief causes energy to flow out creating your success.
Your belief causes a confluence of events that causes success to be inevitable.
It's a form of telepathy that causes events to happen.
It's magic! Now I may be betraying my Celtic roots but personally, I'm not much of a one for esoteric explanations.
And I really have a hard time believing in ritual magic -- no matter what its name.
Frankly the self-improvement through mental magic crowd tends to turn me off.
I'd really rather believe in a prosaic explanation rather than the esoteric explanation.
And the simplest explanation is that tools like active visioning help you to focus on what you want, why you want it and to develop a strong belief in your ability to attain it.
And that focus allows you to identify when conditions are right for you to achieve your goal.
And it gives you the courage to work towards that goal.
Mental tools such as active visioning help you to clearly see the end state you want, the benefits of getting there, the path to get there and the effort involved.
And the more clearly you see both those things the more likely you are to put in the effort involved.
The more likely you are to make the right choices.
And the more likely you are to actually achieve those goals.
And that's true whether your goal is success in business or in life or something as simple as writing a book or eBook.