How to Stop Pvc_Views in WordPress
- 1). Log in to your WordPress admin control area. If you have not already installed the "Popular Posts" plugin, click "Plug-ins," then "Add New" and then type "Popular Posts" into the text field and select "Search Plugins." Find "Popular Posts" in the results list and click "Install Now." When it installs, click "Activate Plug-in."
- 2). Click "Posts," then select the title of the post for which you want to stop Pvc_Views from counting post views. If you scroll down to beneath the main content area, you will see Pvc_Views and the number of views that post has already had. You cannot simply delete Pvc_Views from here because it will simply be created again the next time the page is viewed. Instead, look at the URL at the top of the browser window, and note down the number next to "post=".
- 3). Repeat Step 2 for all the posts you want to stop Pvc_Views from counting.
- 4). Click "Settings," then "Popular Posts." From the list of options at the top of the screen, select "Filter." In the text box titled "Posts to exclude," type the number of all the posts you want to exclude, separated by commas. Click "Save Filter Settings" when you are done.