The IT Epidemic - A Regional Bias
The perks, authority, command, respect, etc, of the superior position definitely are the baiting factors.
But, every working domain has its own structure and processes in place to push employees up the corporate ladder.
In this modern world, everybody knows that Information Technology aka IT domain offers the super fast growth accompanied by huge pay perks package, without any strings attached, even to the barely experienced freshers.
Read further to know how employees are facing regional bias.
In fact, IT is the only domain in this world, currently, which is helping all the countries irrespective of their 1st, 2nd, or 3rd world status in terms of generating employment to their citizens.
People who have been working in IT domain have become sweet pies to their peers, working in other domains, because of the facilities and fat pay checks they get at the end of every month.
It is most probable that employees from different regions happen to work in a single company.
As already mentioned, employees always vie for higher positions irrespective of the talent, vacancies, or processes kept in place by their respective companies.
They try to do their best to achieve them and do not want to stop or get stopped by somebody else when achieving the same.
Now imagine, what happens if an ambitious and talented guy/gal, working for a renowned IT company, whose top strata, ruled and divided on "regional bias", judges employees not by their talent but by the region where they come from.
Does it not alienate the employee from the organization? This kind of situation definitely sends wrong signals to the "would-be achievers" and other talented people who are also working in the same company and nourishing the same ambitions.
Bias, when it comes to employee growth in an organization, in any form is bound to discourage employees, of all sorts, from performing duties at their best irrespective of their positions.
In this modern world, everybody tells us to think differently and look at the issues with a different perspective, but fail to practice it.
It is true that we have developed technically in many aspects compared to earlier centuries but it is sad to declare that we could not able to come out of our default human prejudices, biases, stereotypes, etc, so far.
We are just like the old wine in a new colorful, stylish, and impeccably designed with intricate modern art design.
The bottle, here, can be comparable with the technology which we have developed so far, but we, human beings, are like the same old wine with the old taste.
At least, in the case of wine, there is a positive point.
Its taste increases depending up on how much old it becomes but in our case, we are letting our deeply divided short-sighted feelings to gain strength day after day without even thinking about the outcome of the consequences.
We, as human beings, have to come out of this kind of bias rut and those who successfully can do this have to educate others and help them also to do so.
Companies cannot escape by brushing off their hands saying that these things were already mentioned in their HR policies.
They have to see and make it sure that whatever they have mentioned in the policies against "regional bias" should get implemented properly at every level of the company.
Showing "regional bias" in official place should be compared with "ragging" (heinous crime), which happens in most of the educational institutions.
Just like the government is coming with laws treating ragging as a crime, it should also come up with some measures against treating employees with bias (in the form of regionalism) when it comes to perks, promotions, and offering on-site opportunities.
In summary, this article tries to highlight one of the heinous crimes - REGIONAL BIAS - and requests everybody who reads this article to make a promise to themselves that they should stop this atrocity in every form whenever they encounter it.