The Step-by-Step Solving of Prime Factorization
- 1). Find the prime factorization of a large number by first trying to break it down into any multiples you can find. Continue breaking down the multiples, step by step, until you've reached prime numbers. Write out every prime number that is a factor, even if a particular prime number repeats more than once.
- 2). Find the prime factorization of 225 and write out the factors. Begin by dividing 225 by 5 since it looks to be divisible by that number: 225/ 5 = 45 or 225 = 5 * 45. Work on breaking down the 45 (since 5 is already prime). Note that 45 = 5 * 9, which gives us another factor of 5. Break down the 9 into its prime factors: 3 * 3.
- 3). Write out the prime factorization of 225 as 3 * 3 * 5 * 5 = 225 or write it as 3^2 * 5^2 = 225. Note that the factors are "3", "3", "5" and "5".