What Clay Says About You and Your Relationships
Between being super mom, supportive law school wife, pregnant lady, and hard charging entrepreneur, I realized that I had allotted no time to being, well, just me.
It's funny how hard it can be sometimes as a woman to not only find time for yourself, but then know what to do with it once you have it! So, I did some thinking and realized that I used to love pottery as a child, and maybe it was the outlet I needed.
The first night, our teacher had each of us make a few pinch pots.
These are pots that you make by taking a ball of clay and literally pinch it into the eventual shape that you desire.
Not much to it, really.
Everyone in the class eventually created a pinch pot.
What was interesting to me was that each potter made a very different looking pot.
When we all made our second pots, they all looked different from one another's pots, but very similar to our first pot.
Most of us were frustrated with how our pots looked and wished our pots looked more like our neighbors.
Several of us even started asking one another how they made their pots do this or that.
The response was always the same: "I Don't Know!" Our teacher mentioned that this always happens.
She said that you can actually tell a lot about a person by watching them make a pot and how the pot turns out.
The pot is an outer manifestationof the inner self.
For example, those of us who attack life quickly pinch our pots hard and fast, and end up with nice, thin, imperfectly shaped pots.
Others are afraid they'll mess up, and end up with very thick, dumpy pots with perfect shape.
After we made our second pot, she began showing us the techniques necessary to get the various pots we each desired.
So it is in our relationships.
We all go through life unconsciously forming them each day, and wondering why we keep getting the same results.
Why am I always single, some of us ask? Others can't understand why they always end up in dead end relationships.
Until you stop and consciously learn the techniques necessary to get the results you want, your life isn't going to change much.
Start enjoying the journey, the molding of your life.
Start living consciously and with purpose, and you'll be amazed at the masterpiece you can create out of your life.