Can Hair Rebonding Damage My Roots?
- Like most chemical treatment processes -- such as perms and bleaching -- hair rebonding has the potential to damage the hair. From the roots to the ends, hair can become more brittle from the rebonding and can break more easily. However, as the roots grow in at the scalp, this fresh hair is not affected by the rebonding because it was not present during the chemical process. New hair growth also will also maintain the original properties of your hair that you had prior to the rebonding.
- One thing to keep in mind when performing a hair rebonding or getting one done to yourself is to not leave the chemicals on the scalp for too long. You want the rebonding chemicals to get as close to the scalp as you can so that the entire hair shaft looks the same. However, exposure to the chemicals can cause the skin on the scalp to itch and become tingly and uncomfortable. The roots at the hair follicles can also become more brittle if the rebonding chemicals are left on too long, and may potentially break at the roots if the hair becomes too weak.
- You can maintain the health and condition of your hair after getting it rebonded. If you have your hair rebonded and continue to use flat irons, blow dryers and other hot products, your hair can become damaged quickly. After a rebonding session it is advised to steer clear from other chemical treatments, as well as hair dye chemicals, for at least six months, according to "Marie Claire." Instead, look for substitutions to harsh products. Towel drying is a positive alternative to blow drying hair, and sponge rollers are a better method for getting curly hair than using a hot curling iron.
- The person who performs the rebonding session controls the condition of the hair. Leaving the chemical solution on the hair for too long, or not mixing the right components of the solution, can make an impact on whether or not your roots become damaged from the process. Always have a professional hair stylist perform a rebonding session. Someone with experience will know how to keep your hair in healthy condition and will make less mistakes that cause damage.