Know When You Should Call the Doctor During Pregnancy Nausea
A common malady of pregnancy is the nausea and vomiting that frequently occur during the first few months after conception.
Fortunately, in the majority of cases this problem is not critical for either the mother or her fetus.
There are rare cases when the symptoms of morning sickness are a very serious threat to the well being of both the mother and child if she does not seek treatment.
It is vital when pregnant to realize the signs of pregnancy nausea when it is imperative to call the doctor.
Normally, a woman will begin to experience the signs of morning sickness sometime between the fourth and sixth week of her pregnancy; generally, the nausea and vomiting will have abated by the end of her first trimester.
Even during this time period it is important for the mother to notify her doctor if her symptoms become severe enough that she has difficulty in eating.
During pregnancy, a woman should always contact her health care provider if she is not able to either eat or drink for a 24-hour period of time.
Although it is very unusual, there are instances when an expectant mother is not able to maintain a healthy diet with proper fluid intake.
This condition when a woman suffers from extreme nausea and vomiting is known as hyperemesis gravidarum.
Hyper means "over" and emesis means vomiting; gravidarum is the term that refers to the "pregnant state".
Hyperemesis gravidarum affects approximately one out of 300 women who are expecting a child.
As a result of the excessive vomiting that a women experiences with HG, she is at risk of becoming both malnourished and dehydrated if she does not seek medical attention quickly.
The mother's lack of nutrients and fluids will soon begin to affect the health of the unborn baby.
Pregnancy nausea when severe necessitates contacting the woman's health care provider immediately.
Whenever vomiting is occurring more than 2-3 times in a day, it is crucial to inform the woman's doctor.
Due to the fact that dehydration can result in serious consequences for both mother and child, it is imperative that the mother recognize what the warning signs of dehydration are.
Dehydration, which is the result of the body eliminating more fluids than are being replaced, can cause lightheadedness and dizziness.
The dizziness is the result of low blood pressure due to dehydration.
Frequently, headaches will be experienced when dehydration occurs.
Additionally, this severe lack of fluids will result in infrequent urination, a darkening in the color of urine being eliminated, dry skin, dry mouth and eyes, a feeling of extreme tiredness and/or weakness.
If the period of dehydration is prolonged, the mother may become confused and lose her mental acuity.
More than likely, if the expectant mother is suffering from any of these symptoms due to vomiting, then she has already begun to become dehydrated.
Drinking sufficient fluids throughout the day is vital for the health of both the mother and her baby.
It is recommended that 10 glasses of water be drunk each day.
When dehydration goes untreated, it develops into a serious medical problem.
One of the complications of untreated dehydration is preterm labor.
Whenever a woman is unable to keep fluids down due to extreme morning sickness, it is crucial to notify her health care provider immediately.
Fortunately, in the majority of cases this problem is not critical for either the mother or her fetus.
There are rare cases when the symptoms of morning sickness are a very serious threat to the well being of both the mother and child if she does not seek treatment.
It is vital when pregnant to realize the signs of pregnancy nausea when it is imperative to call the doctor.
Normally, a woman will begin to experience the signs of morning sickness sometime between the fourth and sixth week of her pregnancy; generally, the nausea and vomiting will have abated by the end of her first trimester.
Even during this time period it is important for the mother to notify her doctor if her symptoms become severe enough that she has difficulty in eating.
During pregnancy, a woman should always contact her health care provider if she is not able to either eat or drink for a 24-hour period of time.
Although it is very unusual, there are instances when an expectant mother is not able to maintain a healthy diet with proper fluid intake.
This condition when a woman suffers from extreme nausea and vomiting is known as hyperemesis gravidarum.
Hyper means "over" and emesis means vomiting; gravidarum is the term that refers to the "pregnant state".
Hyperemesis gravidarum affects approximately one out of 300 women who are expecting a child.
As a result of the excessive vomiting that a women experiences with HG, she is at risk of becoming both malnourished and dehydrated if she does not seek medical attention quickly.
The mother's lack of nutrients and fluids will soon begin to affect the health of the unborn baby.
Pregnancy nausea when severe necessitates contacting the woman's health care provider immediately.
Whenever vomiting is occurring more than 2-3 times in a day, it is crucial to inform the woman's doctor.
Due to the fact that dehydration can result in serious consequences for both mother and child, it is imperative that the mother recognize what the warning signs of dehydration are.
Dehydration, which is the result of the body eliminating more fluids than are being replaced, can cause lightheadedness and dizziness.
The dizziness is the result of low blood pressure due to dehydration.
Frequently, headaches will be experienced when dehydration occurs.
Additionally, this severe lack of fluids will result in infrequent urination, a darkening in the color of urine being eliminated, dry skin, dry mouth and eyes, a feeling of extreme tiredness and/or weakness.
If the period of dehydration is prolonged, the mother may become confused and lose her mental acuity.
More than likely, if the expectant mother is suffering from any of these symptoms due to vomiting, then she has already begun to become dehydrated.
Drinking sufficient fluids throughout the day is vital for the health of both the mother and her baby.
It is recommended that 10 glasses of water be drunk each day.
When dehydration goes untreated, it develops into a serious medical problem.
One of the complications of untreated dehydration is preterm labor.
Whenever a woman is unable to keep fluids down due to extreme morning sickness, it is crucial to notify her health care provider immediately.