What Do I Do With My Joint Credit Cards After My Spouse Died?
- Contact the credit card company. You have two options: pay off the balance on the credit card account and close it or transfer the account to your name and pay off the remaining balance. If you decide to transfer the account to your name, the credit card company may alter the terms of the original agreement.
- If you decide to transfer the joint credit card account to your name you will be personally responsible for the debt. Additionally, the credit card company may use this opportunity to alter the annual percentage rate, credit limit and other terms of your account. All changes are negotiable, so talk to the credit card company.
- If you wish to limit your financial responsibility upon the possible death of a loved one, sign up to be an authorized user on the account rather than opening a joint account. If you are only an authorized user, you will not be responsible for the balance on the account following the death of your spouse.
- After your spouse dies you will need to consider other ways you should protect his identity. You should notify the three major credit reporting institutions by providing a copy of the death certificate and request that the account be marked, "do not issue credit." By taking these steps you will protect the identity of your loved one from thieves who may try to take out a credit line in your spouse's name.