How to Take Care of a Siberian Iris Flower
- 1). Water the irises approximately once weekly during the first summer after planting. Supply enough water at each irrigation to maintain the moisture in the top 6 inches of soil. Established, two year or older plants only require irrigation during dry periods.
- 2). Mulch over the iris bed with a 2-inch layer of wood chips or a similar organic mulch. Leave the crown of the plants uncovered when mulching. Replenish the wood chips each year in spring.
- 3). Fertilize the Siberian irises in spring when the first leaves push up. Apply an all-purpose, balanced fertilizer at the package rate recommendation.
- 4). Cut back the flower stalks to their base after all the flower buds along the stalk have completed blooming. Use sharp shears and make a clean cut to prevent damage to the plant.
- 5). Prune off the old foliage in fall when it yellows and dies back naturally. Cut the foliage off at the base of the plant and dispose of it.