Loneliness May Be Your BFF
"Take it with a pinch of salt".
Yes, I am taking it for a long time, with a pinch of salt, sugar and huge doses of caffeine.
Loneliness is a state where, there is nothing to look forward to and no-one to put your arm around, all that and much more.
What could I possibly write about loneliness that hasn't been penned before.
Stages of Loneliness I think loneliness has its stages like we have levels in school.
You could be a lonely kid, with very few friends and always left wondering why? You shared lunches, exchanged gifts, reciprocated niceties but your friend count remained in less than three category.
When you can't find friends in a school at an age where it is probably the easiest to make some, when your birth day parties are given a miss and you are not invited for any, that is the beginning of the first stage of loneliness.
The first stage where you talk more to dolls and imaginary figures than to specimens filled with oxygen and blood.
The stage is probably easier to deal with because the fairy tales, Barbie dolls and the tiaras take over and you sleep peacefully on it.
Middle Stage Teenage or adolescence is a deal breaker for life.
It does shape the kind of personality you will inherit for the rest of your life.
Well, it may seem like an exaggeration, you may mend it in post but that is like hitting the jackpot.
Not, everyone hits the bull's-eye.
If the teenage years brim with self-doubt, circumspection and indifference, then the symptoms of middle stage of loneliness creep in.
The incessant need to fit in, the urge of acceptance and the madness of disguising the real self into some person else are the culprits.
The real friends still don't stand up and by then the fairy tales and dolls seem unreal.
When speech falls flat and expressing opinions becomes a laborious exercise then loneliness is your co-joined twin for life, If I may dare to say so.
BFF Stage This is probably not a proper term to attach with loneliness because there are millions of people out there who strive each day to get better and to find a panacea for their distress.
However, don't strike me out on this, loneliness can become a mutually accepted friend in your life.
The sound of silence may soothe you and nobody being around may become a norm.
You may still search for that certain someone but the stage of acceptance does offer a cure.
The acceptance that loneliness is not a disease and there are many things which are achievable being lonely provides the relief.
Read, write, indulge and make me a priority.
Talk to random people, talk to walls, laugh at yourself or even better put a smile on a toothless face.
That grin will steal your heart, I promise you that.
The sweet selfish feeling will put a big spring in your step and lighten your once dark alleys.
Cautionary Note Working on anything is always a welcome deal.
While you accept your loneliness as your BFF, don't rule out adding someone else to your life.
Positive additions are always good.
Work on your personality every single day and if you are strong enough you may welcome positive extensions and plug-ins.
However, always remember when there was nobody by your side, loneliness was there, like a BFF.
PS: Please, don't get offended, I wish I could explain more, if this piece hurts anyone in any way, take it with a pinch of salt.