Photographic Art - A Different Niche of Contemporary Visual Art
After photography started picking up popularity at a staggering pace, remarkable rush into developing printouts was unavoidable. But such an overwhelming popularity of photography did not happen overnight. With invention and widespread use of camera, our life has undergone a massive change.
It is an oft-repeated saying that every picture is equal to thousands of words and has a unique language of expression. Top photographers' snapshots during war time, political or social crisis, rebellions etc leave a great impact on the viewers. The world-class photographers even risk their life to capture the real-life visuals in their frame.
Truly speaking, photographs or visual recording of events and public personalities have put up a massive challenge for the concept of privacy. Photography is all about framing the fleeting minutes and moments into eternity and has everything as its subject and theme.
Photography as Art
Photography is now widely regarded as a different form of visual art, according to a fairly new stream of contemporary style of art. However, photography in its embryonic stage did not enjoy much of popularity. The photographs were valued more in terms of realistic usage than the level of aesthetic beauty captured.
The newcomers - photographers - who entered into the world of art with technology faced stiff challenge and criticism from both the art critics and also those with an enviably high level of creativity. However, that cynicism has now changed in favor of considering photography as a modern art form of expression postures, mood, moments and beauty.
Just like other forms of paintings, photographic arts are highly valued, especially the signed works by the eminent photographers in the world.
Dropping Restrictions
The regulations regarding acceptance of photography as an art were ultimately dropped when art schools and galleries started considering it as a legitimate art form, with the trend still going strong. Narrow and strict definitions established via tradition of art culture were dropped in favor of embracing photography for more aesthetic importance and less usage.
In the 60's, photography forced its way into the contemporary visual arts. Since then, photographers have been experimenting a lot by combining their art form with different mediums of creative expressions as well as graphic software. This is an exemplary instance of mixed media.
Application of Photography
From practical viewpoint, photography has multiple niches. It finds an important use in several fields including commerce, medicine, defense activities and many more. Progress in science and technology has benefitted photography to a significant extent. It is used to create aerial map of a particular geographical territory and also in meteorology, geology and other significant niches.
Photography in New Digital Era
With arrival of computer-aided graphics applications, it is now possible to lend a desired twist to photographic images. According to the standard method, photography requires passing of light through a lens and also involves sensors, color filters and the process of emulsifying to produce the output. On contrary, digital photographs make use of three filter layers to produce an image.
World-famous photographic works are now bracketed into the most expensive arts. Photography was invented nearly 100 years ago and still undergoing revolutions. We can just hope that there are many more creative aspects of photography to witness in years to come.
It is an oft-repeated saying that every picture is equal to thousands of words and has a unique language of expression. Top photographers' snapshots during war time, political or social crisis, rebellions etc leave a great impact on the viewers. The world-class photographers even risk their life to capture the real-life visuals in their frame.
Truly speaking, photographs or visual recording of events and public personalities have put up a massive challenge for the concept of privacy. Photography is all about framing the fleeting minutes and moments into eternity and has everything as its subject and theme.
Photography as Art
Photography is now widely regarded as a different form of visual art, according to a fairly new stream of contemporary style of art. However, photography in its embryonic stage did not enjoy much of popularity. The photographs were valued more in terms of realistic usage than the level of aesthetic beauty captured.
The newcomers - photographers - who entered into the world of art with technology faced stiff challenge and criticism from both the art critics and also those with an enviably high level of creativity. However, that cynicism has now changed in favor of considering photography as a modern art form of expression postures, mood, moments and beauty.
Just like other forms of paintings, photographic arts are highly valued, especially the signed works by the eminent photographers in the world.
Dropping Restrictions
The regulations regarding acceptance of photography as an art were ultimately dropped when art schools and galleries started considering it as a legitimate art form, with the trend still going strong. Narrow and strict definitions established via tradition of art culture were dropped in favor of embracing photography for more aesthetic importance and less usage.
In the 60's, photography forced its way into the contemporary visual arts. Since then, photographers have been experimenting a lot by combining their art form with different mediums of creative expressions as well as graphic software. This is an exemplary instance of mixed media.
Application of Photography
From practical viewpoint, photography has multiple niches. It finds an important use in several fields including commerce, medicine, defense activities and many more. Progress in science and technology has benefitted photography to a significant extent. It is used to create aerial map of a particular geographical territory and also in meteorology, geology and other significant niches.
Photography in New Digital Era
With arrival of computer-aided graphics applications, it is now possible to lend a desired twist to photographic images. According to the standard method, photography requires passing of light through a lens and also involves sensors, color filters and the process of emulsifying to produce the output. On contrary, digital photographs make use of three filter layers to produce an image.
World-famous photographic works are now bracketed into the most expensive arts. Photography was invented nearly 100 years ago and still undergoing revolutions. We can just hope that there are many more creative aspects of photography to witness in years to come.