Types of Acupuncture Back Pain Smithtown, NY Treatments
Numerous studies have shown that acupuncture can clinically help in managing pain and restoring function. Two types of acupuncture that can provide relief from pain are Orthopedic Acupuncture and Needleless Acupuncture. These two types of acupuncture are often combined and comprises of herbal medicine. Orthopedic acupuncture involves amalgamation of traditional way of bodywork, analysis of postures and movements and selection of acupuncture points with strategy. This type of acupuncture treatment combines both classical techniques of medicine from China as well as modern research. This type of method can treat pain as well as body dysfunction most effectively. Another type of acupuncture back pain Smithtown, NY treatment- Needleless Acupuncture- is best suited for those who dislike the usage of needles. That is why this type of acupuncture is also called Painless Acupuncture. Relief from chronic pain in the body parts such as shoulders, hips, lower back can come through Classic as well as Micro-Interferential Treatments. The outcomes of these treatments are excellent with the indulgence of simultaneous exercise for healing effects after a surgery or an injury. Russian Stimulation is another Treatment, which addresses treatments that are related to practices of sports medicine. Originally, the Olympic team of Russia for mass enhancement of muscle developed this treatment but now it is used in the USA for controlling pain. Since earliest times, electrical energy as well as light is being used for relieving pain and for the treatment of other health conditions. Pain management through electro therapy began in 1960s.Since then many variations are there in the area of electrical stimulation like electric device for stimulation of muscle, interferential device, micro current device etc. Another treatment for pain, chronic ailments, anxiety, stress etc is the holistic treatment of Electro-Stimulation. This acupuncture treatment is done without using needles and instead uses micro-current. A device called Acutron Mentor delivers mild electrical pulses that help in the restoration of energy all through the body. This in turn removes any type of blockages and the inactive areas are cleared out. Thus, a strong state of well-being is ensured.
The acupuncturists can treat various health conditions. They can treat as many as 43 conditions, as recognized by the WHO, but acupuncture's most common use is aimed at relieving various pain like neck pain, hand or foot pain, arthritis, knee pain, sciatica, pain in lower back etc. Beside circulatory problems some imbalances in the nervous system like anxiety, depression, nervousness, asthma etc are also treated by acupuncture. Disorders in digestion like ulcerative colitis, constipation, diarrhea etc can also be cured through acupuncture. Some other ailments like headache, migraines are also taken care of through acupuncture treatment. That is why acupuncture doctors Smithtown, NY are much in demand.
The acupuncturists can treat various health conditions. They can treat as many as 43 conditions, as recognized by the WHO, but acupuncture's most common use is aimed at relieving various pain like neck pain, hand or foot pain, arthritis, knee pain, sciatica, pain in lower back etc. Beside circulatory problems some imbalances in the nervous system like anxiety, depression, nervousness, asthma etc are also treated by acupuncture. Disorders in digestion like ulcerative colitis, constipation, diarrhea etc can also be cured through acupuncture. Some other ailments like headache, migraines are also taken care of through acupuncture treatment. That is why acupuncture doctors Smithtown, NY are much in demand.