Can You Grow Asian Pears From Seeds?
- Although pear seeds, if planted, have the potential to grow into a tree, as the Virginia Cooperative Extension explains, the resulting fruit won't bear any resemblance to the parent tree or even be of edible quality. For that reason, horticulturalists use vegetative methods to propagate pears, including Asian pears.
- Horticulturalists use two methods to reproduce Asian pear trees: budding and grafting. In both methods, a piece of a tree that produces desirable fruit is incorporated onto a rootstock, roots from a compatible tree not necessarily fit for fruit production on its own.
- Although all pear trees grow weak root systems from seed, according to the Virginia Cooperative Extension, this is especially true for Asian pears. Asian pears should only be grafted onto strong rootstock, preferably those that give some resistance to diseases found in your area.