What do Muslims mean when they say something is Makrooh?
Definition: Disliked under Islamic law (literally "detestable"). It is a term used by Islamic scholars to describe something that cannot be forbidden outright, lacking definitive proof of prohibition, but is nevertheless frowned upon in a strong way. While there may be no prescribed punishment for doing these acts, one is rewarded for exercising self-control and refraining. Makrooh actions may be harmful in some way in and of themselves, or lead readily to forbidden behaviors.
It is "doubtful," a step in the range between required acts (wajib) and forbidden acts (haram).
Sentence: Cigarette smoking may not be forbidden in Islam, but many Islamic scholars consider it makrooh.
Pronunciation: muck-rooh
Also Known As: disliked, makruh
It is "doubtful," a step in the range between required acts (wajib) and forbidden acts (haram).
Sentence: Cigarette smoking may not be forbidden in Islam, but many Islamic scholars consider it makrooh.
Pronunciation: muck-rooh
Also Known As: disliked, makruh