Keyword Lists Service: Is It Time You Made an Overture?
And they are doing it by way of Panama.
If that idea is causing you confusion, well, you are probably no more confused than millions of website owners who have, for the past few weeks, been bewildered by the on again/off again status of Yahoo's public keyword search tool Overture.
That's because Yahoo, through its new advertising software Panama, is changing their advertising business model.
If you already have an advertising account with Yahoo, you probably know all about it.
But if you are someone who only used the free public Overture keyword search, you may be in for some disappointing news.
Yahoo, as of February 5 2007, launched a new site, Yahoo Search Marketing, for its U.
customers, and will be adding its international clients down the road.
If you want in, you'll have to sign up.
The site has both free and paid advertising options; the free keyword search tool offers only a bar graph indicator of the number of searches done on your keywords in previous months.
Yahoo executives have let it be known around the Internet that the familiar Overture tool will still be publicly available, but that, because of the enormous traffic it generates, may continue to perform erratically.
And it too may soon offer, as a means of measuring keyword searches, only bar graphs.
So it appears that those dependent on Overture will soon be looking elsewhere for numerical information with which to winnow out the most niche-effective keywords.
If you are one of them, have you considered subscribing to an online keyword service provider? Keyword service providers are in the business of maximizing your website traffic by finding the keywords which will most effectively target your niche customers.
And they will also keep tabs on all the keywords, and traffic, of your competitors.
By monitoring your website visitors, keyword service providers can determine what search terms they used to find you, and help you improve your website rankings by emphasizing those keywords.
The staffs of keyword service providers use online keyword search tools which, like Overture used to, offer the mathematical data for all keywords and phrases associated with your niche, and send you updated lists of statistics so you can add or eliminate keywords as needed.
If you decide that you would be better off with the professional team of a keyword service provider taking control of your keyword SEO efforts, it won't be hard to get started.
Each keyword service provider will have an online application for you to fill out, giving them an idea of the sort of website you have and marketing efforts you would like.
You will be asked to provide your e-mail address and/or phone number, and one of their staff will contact you.
The keyword service staff member will, in order to establish your keyword needs, get all the information necessary to perform a full evaluation of your website, your target audience, and your niche.
The fee ofa keyword services provider will usually depend on how many keywords you want; that, in turn, will depend on the size of your website and number of products you are selling.
Do you really want, if Overture's numerical statistics are no longer available, to have to build your keyword list, and your business, by eyeballing bar charts? Let a keyword service provider get you the maximum bang for your Internet advertising bucks!