Help yourself to Better Health by Drinking Green Tea
Green tea has an unusual set of health benefits. It has a reputation for helping with many health issues, from the prevention of cancer to promoting concentration. You might wonder how green tea can help prevent cancer. Green tea is filled with antioxidants which protect your cells.
Surprisingly, it also has a reputation of being able to prevent tooth decay.
Is high cholesterol problem for you? Green tea has been known to help lower cholesterol. Having lower cholesterol is very beneficial in helping to prevent heart disease and stroke.
Is aging a concern for you? Green tea contains a lot of antioxidants that fight free radicals. Free radicals contribute to health deteriorating that comes with the passing of time.
Most people would like to lose at least a little bit of weight and a lot of people need to lose a whole lot of weight! Assist your body to lose weight by drinking green tea on a regular basis. It just may help raise your rate of metabolism so you can burn calories more efficiently.
Even arthritis has been known to be relieved by drinking green tea. That's because green tea contains a special substance that protects cartilage.
If you're a menopausal or postmenopausal woman, you're going to want to do all you can to protect the density of your bones. That's another reason to drink green tea since it has been known to help keep bones strong.
Do you or a loved one have diabetes and need all the help you can get managing this condition? Help guard your blood sugar level by drinking green tea.
Has a loved one shown signs of suffering with Alzheimer's disease or perhaps you yourself are in the beginning stages of this dreaded affliction? Help protect your brain cells by drinking green tea.
Want to do all you can to slow the progress of Parkinson's disease? Green tea contains lots of antioxidants which protect the cells of the brain.
Want to protect yourself from food poisoning? If you've been drinking green tea, bacteria that causes food poisoning may be killed by special substances in green tea.
Are you often laid low with infections? If you drink green tea, you can help strengthen your immune system.
Also drink green tea to protect yourself from the flu and colds.
Green tea is also a cleanser and if you drink it, you'll be cleansing your body.
Be sure to buy green tea that is fresh so that you can derive the maximum health benefits from this drink that has been known for centuries to help people's health.
Drink it either hot or cold to quench your thirst, but be sure to drink it just after it has been freshly made. However, wait a few minutes to let it steep so that the maximum benefits can enter both your teacup and your body as well.
There are additional health benefits to drinking green tea that are not included in this article. If you're really interested, why not research the subject yourself?