Get Penile Yeast Infection Relief With This Extremely Effective and Simple Natural Treatment
Medicines that can be found at your local supermarket may be easy to get since the don't require a prescription and are inexpensive to buy, but why spend around $10 dollars to mask the painful symptoms when you can get relief for a lot less? When you go to your supermarket, instead of going down the pharmaceutical aisle for cream, head to your dairy aisle and look at the yogurt! It is common knowledge that yogurt is good for the digestive and immune system.
Yogurt contains friendly probiotic bacteria such as acidophilus and bifidus that aid in digestion and defend your intestines from bad bacteria like Candida.
However, for this treatment we won't be eating it, more on this in a moment.
It's important to mention here that not all yogurts are created equal.
Most commercial brands are heated to give it a longer shelf life and therefore contain no friendly bacteria.
Even if the yogurt pack says "Made with active cultures", these cultures are destroyed in the heating process.
So when seeking yogurt, make sure that it's plain, contains no sugar, no additives, no coloring and is not heat treated.
You can find this kind of yogurt in most food health stores.
Once you have a small carton of this special yogurt, use a spatula to spread the yogurt evenly with your fingers over the surrounding area of the penis and on the penis itself, and leave it there for an hour.
You will feel great temporary relief with a cooling and soothing sensation from this inexpensive treatment.