Making Your Penis Longer and Thicker For Life - Hand Exercises Can Help You Become 8-9"!
What I'm about to tell you is going to change your life if you choose to take advantage of it.
There is no need to pop pills or pump your penis, because there is an all natural way to get both longer and thicker for life, and it doesn't require that you buy any expensive physical penis enlargement products.
Let me tell you how you can do it in this article.
Getting bigger for life Contrary to popular belief, the penis is not a muscle.
It's made of tissue and ligament.
And fortunately, we can work out this tissue and ligament.
This is done through the use of particular grips that allow for the application of gentle, consistent pressure that will encourage tissue and ligament development.
If it sounds too simple to work, it isn't.
Think about how simple lifting weights it, yet it works for everyone.
The only difference is that there is no pain involved, and you'll never lose an inch of gains once you stop.
Remember, the penis is not a muscle.
How often do I have to do these exercises? Take your time when you first begin doing these exercise.
Get comfortable.
Once you are confident, however, aim to do these exercises for about 10-20 minutes a day, five days a week.
This will ensure that you see results as quickly as possible.
Remember, this is the ONLY way to make your penis both bigger and longer for life.