Environmentally Friendly Indoor Lighting Ideas
Trying to be more eco-friendly may be a small way to help but imagine how many people are trying to do the same making a very big difference in improving the environment with the way it is at the moment.
Eco-friendly lighting is one way in which people are trying to help so here are a few ideas on how you can perfectly achieve this from ideas as simple as turning off bathroom lights when not in use, preferring natural indoor lighting during day time and installing energy saving bathroom ceiling lights if possible.
To save on energy, it can be as simple as turning off or unplugging anything that uses electricity when not being used which can greatly cut down on energy consumption and saves you some costs on utilities too in the long run.
This means turning off every single source of light there is as soon as the sun rises and utilising natural lighting throughout the day as a visual aid whenever possible.
This will help a great deal since most business and household chores are done during the day time, the energy the people use is immense.
To maximize the use of natural lighting, adding windows and skylights is also a very good option.
Choose energy saving light bulbs for your lighting fixtures.
Fluorescent and compact fluorescent light bulbs are a great way to save since they utilise four to eight times less energy than an incandescent bulb consumes.
Some compact fluorescent light bulbs consume seventy five percent less electricity than regular incandescent light bulbs.
They also generally last longer than incandescent bulbs.
It is not hard to identify fluorescent from incandescent light bulbs because it is normally mentioned on the packaging.
Though they generally cost more than incandescent light bulbs, the savings you accumulate by using fluorescent light bulbs are tremendous.
LED lights are also a great product to use because they are much more energy efficient than both incandescent and fluorescent light bulbs.
Changing all bulbs in your home to one that is fluorescent or LED will help save the environment greatly.
Opt to use environmentally friendly lighting fixtures that are made of wood.
Since wood is a natural resource, it grows back and is not difficult to produce.
It can also be sculpted into an awesome piece of craftsmanship without exerting too much effort.
Other materials such as plastic or metal need machinery, materials and chemicals to produce which not only emit toxic gases but can also be more expensive.
Another great way to help produce natural lighting at home is the use of light coloured paint on your walls, having shiny floors or having mirrors where the light bounces off and creates more light.
Reflecting light is actually one of a few good ways of creating ambient lighting at home.
Also, making a few tweaks in your body clock to normalise your sleeping habits can greatly help in avoiding the use of unnecessary energy during the evening.
Plus, it does not only help the environment but your own health and well-being too.
Studies have proven that sleeping during the night, no matter how little, is more likely to give you the kind of rejuvenation your body really needs than sleeping during the day time regardless of how many hours you get.
Using indoor lighting fixtures that make use of motion sensors and timers are a great way to save energy too.
In this way, you do not need to worry about forgetting to turn off your hallway lights, wall lights or bathroom ceiling lights because they will simply shut off when the sensor does not detect your presence.
Your bathroom lights will eventually shut off a few minutes after you have left the room should you forget to do it yourself.
There are more ways than one an individual can help save the world by simply choosing environmental friendly indoor lighting.
Imagine if every individual helped in this very small and simple way of cutting back on energy.
That would be millions of people around the globe pitching in billions of hours to help in one great cause, saving the world.
That is worth more than the hassle of having to change a few light bulbs.
Eco-friendly lighting is one way in which people are trying to help so here are a few ideas on how you can perfectly achieve this from ideas as simple as turning off bathroom lights when not in use, preferring natural indoor lighting during day time and installing energy saving bathroom ceiling lights if possible.
To save on energy, it can be as simple as turning off or unplugging anything that uses electricity when not being used which can greatly cut down on energy consumption and saves you some costs on utilities too in the long run.
This means turning off every single source of light there is as soon as the sun rises and utilising natural lighting throughout the day as a visual aid whenever possible.
This will help a great deal since most business and household chores are done during the day time, the energy the people use is immense.
To maximize the use of natural lighting, adding windows and skylights is also a very good option.
Choose energy saving light bulbs for your lighting fixtures.
Fluorescent and compact fluorescent light bulbs are a great way to save since they utilise four to eight times less energy than an incandescent bulb consumes.
Some compact fluorescent light bulbs consume seventy five percent less electricity than regular incandescent light bulbs.
They also generally last longer than incandescent bulbs.
It is not hard to identify fluorescent from incandescent light bulbs because it is normally mentioned on the packaging.
Though they generally cost more than incandescent light bulbs, the savings you accumulate by using fluorescent light bulbs are tremendous.
LED lights are also a great product to use because they are much more energy efficient than both incandescent and fluorescent light bulbs.
Changing all bulbs in your home to one that is fluorescent or LED will help save the environment greatly.
Opt to use environmentally friendly lighting fixtures that are made of wood.
Since wood is a natural resource, it grows back and is not difficult to produce.
It can also be sculpted into an awesome piece of craftsmanship without exerting too much effort.
Other materials such as plastic or metal need machinery, materials and chemicals to produce which not only emit toxic gases but can also be more expensive.
Another great way to help produce natural lighting at home is the use of light coloured paint on your walls, having shiny floors or having mirrors where the light bounces off and creates more light.
Reflecting light is actually one of a few good ways of creating ambient lighting at home.
Also, making a few tweaks in your body clock to normalise your sleeping habits can greatly help in avoiding the use of unnecessary energy during the evening.
Plus, it does not only help the environment but your own health and well-being too.
Studies have proven that sleeping during the night, no matter how little, is more likely to give you the kind of rejuvenation your body really needs than sleeping during the day time regardless of how many hours you get.
Using indoor lighting fixtures that make use of motion sensors and timers are a great way to save energy too.
In this way, you do not need to worry about forgetting to turn off your hallway lights, wall lights or bathroom ceiling lights because they will simply shut off when the sensor does not detect your presence.
Your bathroom lights will eventually shut off a few minutes after you have left the room should you forget to do it yourself.
There are more ways than one an individual can help save the world by simply choosing environmental friendly indoor lighting.
Imagine if every individual helped in this very small and simple way of cutting back on energy.
That would be millions of people around the globe pitching in billions of hours to help in one great cause, saving the world.
That is worth more than the hassle of having to change a few light bulbs.