Best of the Book to Movie Adaptations on Satellite TV
When it comes time to adapt a book to a movie, many critics cringe. The phrase "but the book was better" has plagued movie adaptations for years. When the average satellite TV movie channel surfer sees the words "based on the book by," they quickly change the channel before anyone is the wiser. There are, however, rare occasions where excellent script writing, Academy Award winning acting, and high definition special effects meet to make the perfect book to movie adaptation. The following are, in no particular order, the best of those rare cases.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, book by Hunter S. Thompson. When a writer and his attorney set out for Las Vegas, the truly seedy side of Las Vegas is truly brought out. This trippy screen adaptation of the Hunter S. Thompson story, originally published in Rolling Stone magazine may or may not be based on a true story. Nobody seems to remember, but the effects are best chased with a large swig of high definition.
Jurassic Park, book by Michael Crichton. After extracting dino DNA from a mosquito trapped in amber, scientists have done the impossible and brought dinosaurs back to life. Way out on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere there is a land that takes park visitors way back in time. The only catch is when the power goes out, who are the captives?
Fight Club, book by Chuck Palahniuk. An insurance rep and a crazy soap peddler meet on an airplane and the courses of their lives merges into one. Plagued by insomnia and an undying need to make something of himself, our protagonist starts a club with soap peddler Tyler Durden that centers around street fighting. In the movie actors Edward Norton and Brad Pitt bring the story to vivid and disturbing life.
The Godfather, book by Mario Puzo. A classic New York mafia tale that begins with head of the organization "Don" Vito Corleone overseeing his daughter's wedding.
The Silence of the Lambs, book by Thomas Harris. When soon to be FBI agent Clarice Starling meets face to face with crazy criminal Hannibal the Cannibal, a surprising chain of events unfolds. When Hannibal takes what could be mistaken as a "liking" to Clarice, she becomes the only person on the planet capable of extracting the important information necessary to save a young girl from the clutches of a serial killer at large, Buffalo Bill.
A Clockwork Orange, book by Anthony Burgess. Both the book and story still making waves to this day, this tale focuses on the ultraviolent future of Britain, and the story of a young rapist and murderer named Alex. When he is convicted of his crimes, Alex learns about a violence aversion program he may elect to complete while in prison. May be an old dog really can learn new tricks?
Shawshank Redemption, short story by Stephen King. This murder thriller that ends up following the male bonding experience between convicted murderer Andy Dufresne and a black marketer named Red Redding, this story is full of depression, hope and surprise all the way through.
The Lord of the Rings trilogy, books by J.R.R. Tolkien. What more can be said about the film adaptation of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. One of the most highly praised move projects of all time, lovers of the books quickly become lovers of the films. Some of the best movies to watch in high definition ever made, the story of Froto and his ring truly comes to life on screen.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, book by Hunter S. Thompson. When a writer and his attorney set out for Las Vegas, the truly seedy side of Las Vegas is truly brought out. This trippy screen adaptation of the Hunter S. Thompson story, originally published in Rolling Stone magazine may or may not be based on a true story. Nobody seems to remember, but the effects are best chased with a large swig of high definition.
Jurassic Park, book by Michael Crichton. After extracting dino DNA from a mosquito trapped in amber, scientists have done the impossible and brought dinosaurs back to life. Way out on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere there is a land that takes park visitors way back in time. The only catch is when the power goes out, who are the captives?
Fight Club, book by Chuck Palahniuk. An insurance rep and a crazy soap peddler meet on an airplane and the courses of their lives merges into one. Plagued by insomnia and an undying need to make something of himself, our protagonist starts a club with soap peddler Tyler Durden that centers around street fighting. In the movie actors Edward Norton and Brad Pitt bring the story to vivid and disturbing life.
The Godfather, book by Mario Puzo. A classic New York mafia tale that begins with head of the organization "Don" Vito Corleone overseeing his daughter's wedding.
The Silence of the Lambs, book by Thomas Harris. When soon to be FBI agent Clarice Starling meets face to face with crazy criminal Hannibal the Cannibal, a surprising chain of events unfolds. When Hannibal takes what could be mistaken as a "liking" to Clarice, she becomes the only person on the planet capable of extracting the important information necessary to save a young girl from the clutches of a serial killer at large, Buffalo Bill.
A Clockwork Orange, book by Anthony Burgess. Both the book and story still making waves to this day, this tale focuses on the ultraviolent future of Britain, and the story of a young rapist and murderer named Alex. When he is convicted of his crimes, Alex learns about a violence aversion program he may elect to complete while in prison. May be an old dog really can learn new tricks?
Shawshank Redemption, short story by Stephen King. This murder thriller that ends up following the male bonding experience between convicted murderer Andy Dufresne and a black marketer named Red Redding, this story is full of depression, hope and surprise all the way through.
The Lord of the Rings trilogy, books by J.R.R. Tolkien. What more can be said about the film adaptation of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. One of the most highly praised move projects of all time, lovers of the books quickly become lovers of the films. Some of the best movies to watch in high definition ever made, the story of Froto and his ring truly comes to life on screen.