IPhone5 External Battery Case-To Protect Your Phone Better
The big advantage of most battery cases is that there are no wires. You only need to charge one device, and this will allow simultaneous charging of the phone and the case battery. The i-Blason Power Slate is an iPhone 5 External Battery Case. It has enough power to recharge an iPhone 5 completely. It can recharge the phone when it is dead, and can bring it back to working condition in no time. The case has a matte black finish.
The Unu Ecopak is another iPhone 5 external battery case. It has 2500 mAh battery and thus it doubles the use time. The €eco' refers to the deal which is offered if you sign up to return the battery for recycling when its life is over. This case comes in a dozen of colors such as black and white cases and much more. You just need to attach the battery case to the phone whenever you need to recharge. This is a bit untidy and it also means that the case and phone will need separate recharging. Another problem of this case is that it covers the rear camera. If you want to take a photograph or a video, you will have to remove the battery.
The Hi5 has a battery case for the iPhone 4 which allows you to slip battery modules in and out of the case. This will keep your phone on for a long time, as long as you have freshly charged modules. You need to charge this case separately. But a new version of this case has now been launched, and it has an advantage of charging the case and phone simultaneously. For this case, too the battery needs to be removed if you want to use the rear camera. You can decide which one you want to buy. You can do a research of the various cases available in the market and only then make a choice.