Avoid One-Sided Love
You want to be there, but something in you tells you to break the relationship off.
Your relationship can make or break you.
Every relationship you keep either moves you towards your cherished dreams or away from them.
Everyone should not be your friend.
Friendship is a choice.
Choose wisely.
If you don't have standard to live by you'll fall to other people's standard; you must rise up and be in charge of your life.
Do not allow anyone to manipulate you.
There is a relationship that should be broken while others should be nurtured.
There are certain qualities that are undesirable in a relationship if it should be continued.
Such a relationship ought to be broken and the may include the following: #1.
DISHONESTY: If you get intimate with dishonest people, you will learn their ways and before know it, you will be like them.
Some people are gifted in telling lies without feeling any remorse.
Anyone who cannot be honest in his/her dealings with you who require you to give a back up to the lies is not a good friend.
Avoid such person #2.
SELFISHNESS: There are relationships where you discover that one person does all the giving while the other does all the taking.
While one makes all the sacrifices to keep the relationship, the other only makes demand.
One person does all the caring, visiting, giving, and caring while the doesn't care.
Such is one-sided, selfish relationship.
A good relationship is one in which were both parties are ready to make sacrifices and compromises for the comfort of the other.
Are you being used in this relationship? Think fast.
STRUGGLES: You don't struggle to keep a relationship.
When you're struggling to to get the attention of the other or to please the other without any willing response from him/her, then you may be in the wrong place.
You do not to be what you're not in order to make a relationship work.
UNGODLINESS: Any relationship in which you're required or compelled to do evil in order to foster the relationship is a bad one.
For example, if you're required to have sex in order to show how much you love the order, then the relationship is ungodly.
Some may require you to tell liesa, steal or even manipulate other people in order to please your partner.
Simply break that relationship.
UNFORGIVENESS: Any one who likes to keep and remind you of your past mistakes and offenses will kill your future.
Such persons refuse to give you another chance to overcome your failures.
They tie you to your weaknesses and expect you cannot overcome your limitations with them.
They expect you to pay for any offense you commit against them even though the claim to be friends.
You have to seek their face and beg before are forgiven.
Break such relationship.
IMPORTANCE: By impotence, I mean people who are not productive in their life.
The have no dreams to pursue and they have no good thing to contribute to your life.
Such people hang on to your life with the tag of schoolmates, family friends or childhood friends.
They hang on to you because of the things the will get from you.
Anytime, anywhere, anyhow, such people will always make demands on you.
They have no relevance to your dreams.
Some of them come around and only consume your time while some use you to boost their ego.
Do measure the worth of any relationship by its contribution to you chief goals.
RESISTANCE: Some relationship come as assignment to you.
It is such ones that your gift or potentials are exercised.
You may be required to effect a change in the other.
But when the other is resistant to positive change, after all that you have done to overcome their weakness, quit the relationship.
Such people resist your efforts to help them.
Sometime they avoid you and later surface again.
Such a relationship should be broken because they will only frustrate your time and energy; they friends with bad habits or characters.
In conclusion, it is time to asses your relationships.
Its your choice to make.
Your destiny is in your hands.
There are some relationships that are distractions to your dreams.
For example, if you are a spinster, and there are men who hang around you without any good motive.
Your ability to identify such men and stay away from them will determine how fast you move towards your dream.
If you know that you are not ready for marriage, do not commit your life, emotions, desires and ambition to someone else.
Some ladies accept proposal for marriage from men who do not have any work, some of such men still depend on their father's pocket money.
Some men are not sure of what they want, Any fair girl is good for them.
If you are involved with such men, then it is time to break such relationship.
If you don't break it now, it will break you tomorrow.
Accept the pain now as a price for your joy tomorrow