Uterine Tumors Or Fibroid Tumors Do Not Mean Cancer!
When a woman hears she has a tumor, even a benign tumor, she immediately thinks about the possibility of cancer.
The fear of cancer is strong and very real.
However, fibroid tumors and uterine tumors are NOT cancer! If you have fibroids, you are not alone.
Uterine tumors or fibroid tumors are found in about 40% of women between the ages of 35 and 55.
The risk that a benign fibroid tumor will develop cancerous cells is extremely low.
In fact the chance that any tumor growing in the wall of the uterus is cancer is incredibly small.
By definition, fibroids are not malignant, they are not cancer, and they do not cause cancer, and they do not even increase the risk of having cancer.
They are benign growths that appear in the uterus and can cause various symptoms, from mild to unbearable.
Fibroids can cause pain, put pressure on organs adjacent to the uterus (bladder, bowel) causing constipation and frequent urination, heavy menstrual bleeding, anemia, painful intercourse, infertility and complications during pregnancy.
The most common and frightening symptom of fibroids is heavy bleeding.
So, the most important factor to consider when choosing between treatment options is the severity of the symptoms they are causing.
If there are no symptoms or they are not troublesome, no treatment is necessary.
In the past hysterectomies were often recommended for women with fibroids, but today various new treatments are available to control uncomfortable symptoms without surgery.
In fact, the risks and side effects of medical treatments for uterine fibroids usually outweight the benefits, especially since there are many things that YOU can do to shrink your fibroids and restore your periods to normal with simple lifestyle modifications, especially nutritional changes.
Though the specific causes of fibroids are unknown, it is known that they are estrogen dependent, and hormone levels can affect their rate of growth to some extent.
That is why fibroid tumors usually shrink during menopause.
So adopting a healthful, anti-estrogen diet will help you shrink fibroid tumors and relieve the symptoms.
If you think you can't possibly be eating foods full of estrogens, think again.
Most conventional food is estrogenic.
Meat and dairy products are loaded with hormones, and fruits and vegetables are sprayed with toxic pesticides.
Once inside the body, they all mimic estrogen, which causes various hormonal disorders, that lead to fibroids, breast cancer, and other serious problems.
Exercise is another lifestyle factor that may lower your risk of getting fibroids.