The Bench - King of Chest Muscle Building
The important thing in chest muscle building is sticking to proper movements, since every variation will leave you without any exercise benefits.
The key to successful muscle building is to learn the proper exercise method from the minute you start chest muscle building.
There are a variety of exercises for chest muscle building that allows you to do it in sets which suit you best.
Whichever exercises you choose, you want to make sure that it has at least three different exercises in two to four sets, also do not forget to warm up first.
Bench is probably the most popular chest muscle building exercise routine.
Once mastered, it is relatively easy to perform, although it could be boring for many.
Keeping your persistence will reap you rewards, since the bench exercise is effective in working out around the pectoral and deltoid areas, as well as your triceps.
Keep in mind that this exercise will also influence the movements of muscles at your back, as well as muscles in your arms, such as the biceps and forearms, which you actively use while performing exercises on bench.
Here is one example for using the bench for your chest muscle.
Put the barbell in its holds and place your back towards the bench.
You may first lie down while your trainer can give you the barbell afterwards.
Flatten your feet on the floor and take the bench somewhat wider than you shoulder are.
Pull your arms up, lifting the barbell over your chest, at the length of your arms.
Slide the barbell easily to your chest.
Take care of the position of your upper arm parts in order to avoid too much stress on the joints within your shoulder.
Push the bar back and do it again, taking care of the sets and repetitions.
Just find what is best in there for you, you want to make sure that you're doing it properly since only proper form in chest muscle building will be beneficial to you and give you that strong and nicely shaped chest.