Drastic Measures
This can occur whether the writer is a freelancer or for hire writer.
With the freelancer, the consequences may not be as grave as for the one whose job is writing and who depends on it for sustenance, but it can be just as traumatic.
Drinking hard liquor will not solve the problem although many writers have used that as a solution.
Worrying about it is certainly not the answer, nor is fretting and being miserable.
Telling friends and colleagues about your predicament may bring some sympathy, but no resolution.
So what is one to do? The most drastic measure may be to seek another vocation if it is your day job, probably far from the journalism field if you are a member of the press or from the advertising line of work if you are a copywriter.
If writing is your avocation, then abandoning it may not be as drastic financial, but it may be just as traumatic, even more so.
Thus any activity, other than writing is necessary.
If one is meant to be a writer, the desire will return; the ideas will return; the words will return; and the composition will be accomplished.
So writer's block may be a blessing in disguise.
Either you are a writer or you are not, and in any case, writer's block will be overcome.