The Art of Seduction and How to Seduce a Woman
Romance is secondary, but since everyone thinks it is a vital part of the seduction process, people actually do romance: Dance in the rain, date with others...
Where Seduction forms the basis of foreplay, in fact is a part of foreplay, romance is superficial.
Where romance, never lasts and maybe makes you feel weak and give in, seduction is a cycle, that keeps repeating, almost everyday and makes you feel empowered, commanding and makes you want to never give in.
- whether you are the seducer or the seduced, the empowerment is mutual.
Even lost lore, literature like the Kama Sutra, just concentrates on sex and the pleasures derived from it.
Seduction, is not external to you, it's within you.
How one would use his or her power of influence and persuasion, seduction is highly varied and is unique for each person.
You can learn how to use this power of seduction; it's not about seducing a man or woman.
It's about seducing life and winning on this game players planet we all live on.
Seduction in terms of men meeting women, as mentioned, is a vital part of foreplay, and during actual foreplay, you do want to know, what sets her on fire.
Similarly, when seducing, get to know her psychology, know what motivates her and understand her.
Usually men think of this as a later phase, but in reality, this is what seduction is all about.
Within the very first few minutes, you should be able to know her psychology, know what motivates her and understand what she wants.
Once you do know this, use this newfound knowledge to seduce her.
Just like all of us are programmed to respond to certain things in life, so are beautiful women, in fact, they are approached continuously by playboy - tennis pro stud muffins that actually care more about themselves than the woman they are talking to.
How often do you see a gorgeous woman walking around with a stud who will not even give her the time of day? - We all have! Do you think she is with him because she's really attracted to him and he touches her deeply? - I don't think so! More often then not, she is there because it is expected of her in today's society, to be with someone like that, I often see these women with that bored look in their eye, wondering what the hell she's doing there.
Like all of us - She is also programmed to automatically respond negatively to most approaches by men.
- So...
Wouldn't it be great to know what to say, how to say it and when to say exactly what you need to, to awaken this sleeping auto-responding tic-toc mechanical person? And turn her into the swooning goddess she deserves to be? I can tell you from my own experience that when you awaken those deep, passionate, inner desires that all women yearn to give men, but are waiting for the one who knows how to ignite them.
When this happens - Personal appearance and money means absolutely nothing! For example, how many starving artists have you seen at local coffee shops, surrounded by the same type of woman you would normally see with a tennis pro or a celebrity? The same applies to hideous struggling musicians, coming off stage and these women are lined up to meet them, or more! Is it because of the musician's potential? Or is it because of the influence the musician has on their emotions? To conclude, I would like to add that maybe it's not learning how to seduce that's important, for this is a game players planet, a place of adventure and discovery! With the real you as the hidden treasure, the person behind the mask that society has labeled and squeezed into a narrow role.
Is it time for you to begin to learn and discover the real you and enjoy the treasurers of unlimited attraction and abundance with women?