Maryland Child Laws
- Maryland child laws are designed to protect the children in the state.Legal Law Justice image by Stacey Alexander from
Maryland child laws cover a wide variety of important topics and issues regarding children that range from custody to child labor all the way to neglect and abuse. Because of this, there are many different sections of the Maryland civil and criminal code that address child laws. People need to understand the protections that Maryland law offers children. - When it comes to child custody laws in the state of Maryland, there are very few laws regarding the process of granting custody. Each particular situation is considered for its specific circumstances on a case-by-case basis. Like most states, child abuse or neglect can be used to automatically disqualify a parent from custody and even visitation in extreme cases. Otherwise, it is up to the judge in each individual case to weigh the options and decide what is best for the child(ren). One important aspect of custody law in Maryland is that one parent cannot be denied educational or medical records to his child just because the other parent has custody.
- The Family Law 5-701 section governs child abuse laws in Maryland. These laws cover physical, mental and sexual abuse. Many professionals must report any suspicion of abuse, including police officers, teachers, doctors, or human service workers. There is a very open definition of what constitutes abuse in Maryland, and this broad definition is designed to offer children more protection when they are being harmed emotionally, mentally or physically. The Social Services Administration is the first department that is supposed to be notified in any instance of abuse, based on state law.
- Maryland boasts very strict child labor laws. No minor under 14 years old is allowed to work unless she is a model, entertainer or performer who is granted a special work permit by the state. Minors who are between the ages of 14 and 17 still must apply for, and be granted, a work permit in order to work. Allowed hours vary based on the age of the minor, the job involved and whether school is in or out of session. There are a few exceptions to these rules, such as farm work that isn't done during school hours and camp counselor jobs. Special exemptions on hours are made for those two situations in particular.