Information on Epilepsy
- A diagnosis of epilepsy is usually reached when a person has suffered from two or more seizures. These seizures have the capability of affecting just about any process that the brain controls, so a wide array of symptoms is possible when one occurs. But in the majority of instances a person with epilepsy will experience the same kinds of symptoms each time when he does have a seizure. Others though will be subject to different seizure types, so the symptoms will differ from episode to episode.
- Physicians categorize seizures in epileptic patients as either partial or generalized. Partial seizures are defined as originating from abnormal brain activity in one area of the brain. Also known as focal seizures, these are further divided into simple partial seizures and complex partial seizures. During a simple partial seizure the individual will not lose consciousness. Seizures of this nature can simply make things smell, taste, look or sound different, and the emotions of the person may change. A complex partial seizure can make a person unaware of her environment for a length of time, with the person in many cases just staring ahead or engaging in such movements as smacking her lips or rubbing her hands while not aware of what she is doing.
- A seizure that appears to have all the parts of the brain involved at once is called a generalized seizure. These are also divided up into different types. The petit mal seizure is also known as an absence seizure and is identified when a person loses awareness for a short time and is staring ahead or making barely noticeable body movements. A myoclonic seizure is one in which the person will experience rapid and sudden jerking of the legs and arms. The atonic seizure that is caused by epilepsy is also called a drop attack and makes the person fall down and collapse out of the blue. The worst kind of epileptic seizure is the grand mal seizure. Also known by the term tonic-clonic seizure, these frightening episodes will cause the individual to pass out and make the body stiffen up, shake, and can also feature loss of control of the bladder and biting of the tongue.
- It is difficult for a doctor to reach a diagnosis of epilepsy, and in most cases it is done so after all other possibilities have been ruled out. This means that someone experiencing seizures will undergo a number of tests to check for any brain abnormalities that may be responsible for the episodes. CT scans, MRIs and PET scans are commonly employed to rule out other conditions that could precipitate seizures. Very detailed summaries of a seizure are very helpful to a doctor, allowing him to perhaps narrow down what took place. Since many people have no idea what happens to them in the course of a seizure, it can help to have an eyewitness relate the occurrence to the physician.
- Medications that can control seizures have proven very effective in many cases of epilepsy. Some drugs can make seizures happen more infrequently, while others can limit the severity of seizure symptoms. Children with epilepsy often find that the symptoms disappear completely with medication and in time the drugs are no longer necessary, as the epilepsy is gone for good. Even adults will see this happen in many instances after a year or two of being on medication for the problem. It is no easy task to pinpoint the exact dosage a patient needs to control the seizures and sometimes doctors need to mix and match medications until the right formula is found. Medications of this nature do have potential side effects such as dizziness, fatigue, and depression. Surgery can be performed when tests demonstrate that a specific area of the brain is responsible for seizures, with that section then removed. A device called a vagus nerve stimulator is another treatment for epilepsy. The vagus nerve runs from the brain to the digestive tract. By implanting an electric stimulator in the chest and making it work on the vagus nerve as it runs through the neck, the number of seizures are lessened, although the reason for this is unknown. Medication still needs to be taken on a limited basis with this type of treatment.