How to Cover Up a Beer Smell Coming From the Floor Drain
- 1). Remove the drain cover from the floor. Drain covers typically are held in place with screws.
- 2). Remove the clean-out plug from the side of the drain basin with a wrench.
- 3). Place a power auger near the drain so the cable is directly beside the drain opening.
- 4). Set the auger so the motor runs clockwise.
- 5). Hold the auger cable with both hands and point it toward the drain. Step on the auger power pedal to get the motor moving. Keep your foot on the pedal and guide the cable with your hands until you feel resistance. If you were unable to remove the clean-out plug, you have to guide the cable through the drain trap before you can get through the entire drain. Wiggle and rotate the cable around until it gets through.
- 6). Set the auger motor to the counterclockwise setting once you feel resistance. Step on the pedal and let the cable retract three or four feet.
- 7). Set the auger motor back to its clockwise setting and push the cable through the drain until you again feel resistance. Set the auger back to counterclockwise, retract the cable three or four feet, set it back to clockwise, and push it through until you feel resistance. Continue this back and forth pattern until you feel the clog push through.
- 8). Replace the clean-out plug if necessary. Dump at least 2 gallons of hot water down the drain to wash away any residual remnants in the pipe.
- 9). Pour 1 gallon of plain white vinegar down the drain.
- 10
Screw the drain cover back into place.