How to Select a Lawyer
You don't want to hire a corporate attorney to represent you in divorce court or a divorce attorney to represent you at a real estate closing.
While this may seem simple enough, there are very many general practitioners out there that work "across the board".
They have a smattering of exposure to many different areas and may do very well for you, but you are better off retaining counsel that excels in the particular area that fits your needs.
Actual trial attorneys are a small percentage of the total pool of lawyers.
This practice takes a special skill and tolerance that many lawyers do not have.
Often enough attorneys who do not have a great deal of trial experience are overwhelmed by those who do, much to the detriment of the client.
Trial attorneys are geared towards the process that is as much a part of an excellent defense as is the trial itself.
In addition, a trial attorney will have the resources, such as experts, investigators, and access to the Courts through the internet that a general practitioner may lack.
In any event, understand that you pay an attorney to do the work.
Some criminal cases need a great deal of work and the fee for representation is higher than the more basic criminal case.
Trial attorneys who practice in Federal Court as well as state court can be more expensive because they are skilled and experienced in the Federal system.
Lawyers who practice in many states can be more expensive especially if they must hire counsel in that state because they are not licensed to practice there.
Whoever you retain to represent you cannot and should not guarantee a result.
You should be very wary of an attorney who gives you any guarantees other than they will work hard for you.
The work an attorney produces for you will benefit you and will create results not guarantees.
A good lawyer should respect your needs.
A lawyer will learn very intimate details about your life and you should feel comfortable with him/her.
Most importantly...
you have an absolute privilege of confidentiality with any attorney even if you just interview but do not hire him/her.
It is called the "attorney/client privilege".
You are the only one who can authorize an attorney to disclose confidential material or conversations you had with him/her.
If you die without waiving that privilege it remains in perpetuity.
There are exceptions to the rule, like when you sue the lawyer, or disclosure is by court order, but if a lawyer breaks this rule without authorization, you should report him/her immediately.