5 Reasons Why Goal Setting Has Not Worked For You
So why hasn't it worked? You want it badly enough.
You have a burning desire to change your life, you are willing to do anything and yet still you are barely closer to achieving your dreams than before you started educating yourself about goal achievement.
I have seen many people who possess all the tools to succeed fail miserably because they were sabotaging themselves without even knowing it.
Make sure you are not making these 5 common mistakes when pursuing and setting goals for yourself.
1 - Setting unrealistic goals If you are Joe Shmoe on Tuesday, you will not become Donald Trump on Wednesday.
People get fired up after taking Goals courses, and they feel they can move mountains, and that is great! But do not set yourself up for failure.
Make your goals lofty, but make them reachable.
Use the other 4 points here to refine your goals.
2 - Setting non-specific goals It is not enough to say, "I want to be rich.
" or "I want to be thin again.
" Your subconscious does not work in generalities; it also accepts what you tell it to do unconditionally, so be specific.
"I will be worth one million dollars.
" or "I am going to weigh X number of pounds.
" There are other things that need to be added to these goals, but this is the first step.
3 - No due date The above goals are a great first step, but they need a due date, just like library book.
When you take home that library book, that gallon of milk, that video, you know there is a due date, and magically, you adhere to it.
Your goals are the same, but keep number 1 and 2 in mind.
If you currently make $30,000 a year, maybe a goal like, "I make $50,000 a year by (date one year from today).
" 4 - Goals are not personal and positive Your conscious mind gives the orders, your subconscious mind goes about looking to fulfill them everywhere, anywhere, even when you are asleep.
BUT, the subconscious mind does not understand negatives, so when you say, "I am not going to smoke.
" or "I am not going to be fat.
" it hears "I smoke.
" and "I fat.
" Make your positive, "I am a smoke-free.
" or "I am slim and in good physical shape.
" And remember, your goals are YOUR GOALS.
If you set goals to please someone else you are asking for frustration and failure.
5 - They are not reviewed daily As we said earlier, the subconscious mind follows whatever specific set of marching orders your conscious mind gives it on a repeated basis.
You put your pants on the same way every time, you follow the same ritual in the morning every time, you brush your teeth the same way every time because of repetition.
Did you know that scientists have shown that if you do something the same way for 17 - 21 days in a row, it becomes habit? You MUST review your goals daily, the best time being when you first awaken, and right before you turn off the light at night.
While your conscious mind is making coffee in the morning, your subconscious mind is already beginning to attempt to move you closer to your goals.
At night, if you read before bed, that is fine, but do not review, and by review I mean READ your goals until just before you go to sleep.
It needs to be the last thing you do before you sleep.
Many people have claimed that upon waking, a great insight was revealed to them that their brain had figured out during the night, as they slept, so make your goals the last bit of input.