Ally Auto Financing Profile
Customers: 15 million
Assets: 174 billion
Ally Financial Overview:
Ally Financial is the new name of GMAC. They are one of the largest automotive services companies in the world. Ally Financial has financed more than 150 million cars or trucks. They are the official preferred source of financing for the following:
- General Motors
- Chrysler
- Saab
- Thor Industries
Ally Financial's mission is to talk straight, do right, and be obviously better.
Striving to always be the best, Ally Financial pushes these three principles to the limit. Their huge customer base shows it is working.
Products and Services:
- Auto Financing with Ally Financial is made easy with an online application so you don’t have to spend hours at the dealership. Ally will also transfer your application to the dealership of your choice. If you have decided purchasing a vehicle is right for you, Ally offers multiple payment options including automatic withdraw, online payments, phone, and snail mail.
- Auto Leasing has several of the same key features as auto financing. Such as an online application so you don’t have to waste your time at the dealership. Ally will also transfer your application to the dealership of your choice. Several mileage packages are available to choose from. Ally offers multiple payment options including automatic withdraw, online payments, phone, and snail mail for leased vehicles.
- Vehicle Service Contracts protect you against vehicle repairs after your warranty is expired. Ally offers multiple plans to help find the right fit for your needs. Their website has easy to use features which include a risk calculator, easy to view coverage choices, and plan selection.
Ally Financial History:
Ally began in the year 1919 making it nearly a century old company. In its history, Ally has hit many milestones evolving from an automotive finance business to a bank holding company. In 1985 they hit 100 million vehicles financed and in 2001 they reached a staggering 150 million vehicles financed around the world. In 2005 they started a new parent holding company for its mortgage business, Residential Capital. In 2008 it was accepted as a bank holding company. In 2009 they entered into a contract with Chrysler to provide finance services to Chrysler dealers and customers and Ally Bank launched. 2010 the company was renamed Ally Financial.