How to Seal Motorcycle Brake Fittings
- 1). Wipe the master cylinder with a clean rag. Remove the screws in the the master cylinder cap with the Phillips screwdriver. Place clean rags around the master cylinder and the brake caliper(s) to catch any leaked fluid. Remove the cap, then set it aside.
- 2). Break the torque on the caliper banjo bolt with the socket and ratchet, then remove it and the crush-washers from the caliper. Place the fitting into a catch pan, and actuate the brake lever to evacuate all the fluid from the system. Discard the used crush-washers. Inspect the fitting and the banjo bolt for cracks.
- 3). Break the torque on the master cylinder banjo bolt, then remove it and the crush-washers from the master cylinder. Inspect the fitting and the banjo bolt for cracks. Replace the banjo bolts if they are cracked. Replace the entire brake line if either fitting is cracked.
- 4). Slip a crush-washer onto the master cylinder banjo bolt. Insert the banjo bolt into the fitting and slip another crush-washer onto the banjo bolt, sandwiching the fitting. Thread the banjo bolt into the master cylinder and torque to factory specifications for your year, make and model of bike. Repeat this process for the caliper fitting and banjo bolt.
- 5). Fill the master cylinder reservoir with fresh DOT 5 brake fluid. Bleed the brake system according to your bike's manufacturer factory recommendations. Wipe all traces of brake fluid from the fittings. Pump up the brake system firmly, and hold the pressure at the lever. Observe the fittings and check for leaks. Fill the reservoir to the "Full Cold" mark, then install the reservoir cap and cap screws with the screwdriver.