The Magic of Having What You Want is in Your Choices
Maybe you didn't know that, but it's true.
The magician consciously makes choices that seemingly create something new or unimagined, but it's the very result they intended to create for the benefit of their audience.
The same is true for you.
Your magic is created in your choices.
While you are getting the results you're choosing, it can seem like it's in reverse.
Think of it like this...
you love your mom, and you want to validate that she's right.
So in order to love your mom more by proving that she's right, you might find yourself in the same job over and over again going nowhere.
Want to be loyal to your family's heritage? Poof - your health becomes compromised and you don't have the energy you want when you want it.
Want to be a nice person so people like you? Poof - you find yourself having road rage and saying things you don't really mean.
What's the common denominator? The choices you make moment to moment.
Choices are your ability to generate options by seeing the possibilities (even when in the challenges) and then deciding your next best direction from them.
However, when you have unconscious beliefs in the way, they are making the decision for you instead of you choosing from present moment awareness and variables.
Those unconscious beliefs are running your life by default.
Your choices are the turning points that create your life; if your life isn't feeling the positive magic that you'd like, it's time to clear the unconscious "gunk" and start feeling the freedom of making choices based on present moment awareness.
The best way to clear the unconscious "gunk" is to work with your soul to release it by making more conscious choices.
Choices can be simple or complex, depending on the variables involved as well as what you perceive the results or consequences might be after you've made the choice.
Most people like having choices because there is a sense of freedom in choosing from several options; at the same time, it can cause someone to feel uncertain about making the 'best' choice.
And if there aren't enough choices, we tend to feel limited or constricted somehow, which can lead to an unfulfilling outcome.
However, in every moment, you are choosing to manage your energy.
As an example, you can "buy" an emotion as real (and experience all which that means) or not (simply releasing it without getting unconsciously "hooked" by it).
Or, you can choose to see the wonder and the beauty in any difficult or challenging situation (emotion, relationship, issue, etc.
) rather than getting caught up in the "negative" of it.
All in all, you choosing to have the experience and, generally speaking, it's to help you get to your next best level.
The choices you face are a part of your personal growth journey, so you can choose to see the opportunity in it instead of despairing about it.
Make it your conscious mission to make lemonade from the lemons you grew and chose from your virtual lemon grove.
Your choice, ultimately, is to see the illusion in what's happening and shape it to the experience you want to have in each moment.
Regardless of how you make your choices, you are increasing your perception around the choice, your options, the potential consequences and the energy around the choice point at which you find yourself.
Your shifts in perception will present you with an unending supply of choices based on each point of view.
And, naturally, since you are the inventor of your choices, you are always free to make a new choice when the one you made previously no longer serves.
Ultimately, the opportunities that are presented to you are representative of what you want on a vibrational level; the choice is your free will in motion to create the magic you want to experience in your life.
It's not what happens to you but you do with it that matters - and that is your magical choice to make in having more life wealth.
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