An Effortless Method to Get the Green From Outside Your House Into Your Home
Simple things, things we take for granted, now and then things we try to destroy.
The most basic is the dandelion.
We fight it continuously in our grass, pulling it, spraying it, and cussing at it.
But this stubborn little weed has more benefits than we can imagine.
I was recently looking at Learning Herbs and I was astonished at the health benefits of the dandelion.
The dandelion is very good for your heart, it is high in potassium and magnesium which reduce high blood pressure.
A plain dandelion flower tea can help alleviate pain from headaches, menstrual cramps, backaches, stomach aches and depression.
It has the vitamins and minerals to fight liver disease, purify your blood, cleanse your system, dissolve kidney stones, and improve your overall gastro-intestinal health.
Dandelion is a rich source of beta-carotene, vitamin A, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, protein, and B vitamins thiamine and riboflavin.
In actual fact, the dandelion has all the properties to make strong bones, help lose weight, help control diabetes, and fight certain types of cancer.
Because of the vitamin B, it will also help reduce stress and anxiety.
According to the USDA.
bulletin #8, "Composition of Foods", it is listed as the fourth best green vegetable for nutritional value.
The benefits of the dandelion plant are incredible, but as with anything work with a naturapathic professional before diagnosing yourself.
For the rest of us, when you pull that 'horrible' weed, why not add it to your salad, or make a nice cup of tea with it, and enjoy all of its benefits.
Instead of hating the dandelion fall in love with the flowers, consider learning more information and have fun blowing the white seeds, knowing that you're spreading health throughout your neighbourhood.