To Have Real Peace Certain Acts Have to Be Carried Out in a Specific Way - But it is Worth It!
It is a most wonderful theme.
In fact, it would be impossible to get a more important theme! In my reading and studying of Hebrews Chapter 7 in the New Testament, it becomes very clear that the theme is 'looking unto Jesus'.
For everything, look to Jesus.
That is good.
Could any man dare to try to improve upon that? Never! The writer of this profound letter is showing how Jesus Christ is better than all the other priests put together, and that is what we are seeing in these verses.
We have a great high priest who has gone into the holies, the risen and living Lord Jesus Christ.
The Latin root meaning for priest is Pontifex who is a bridge builder, and Jesus Christ bridges the gulf and it is a big gulf to bridge and there is no one else who can bridge that gulf or chasm.
We are sinful and God is holy and we need a pontificate to bridge that gulf.
The writer begins where his listeners are and he goes back to the Old Testament, and he goes back to the first pattern of priesthood and it is a Gentile pattern.
He considers Melchizedek, who ministered to Jew and Gentile alike.
That is God's pattern and we have gone back to that pattern.
Having used and quoted from the Psalms now he goes back even further to Genesis Chapter 14.
You could read this letter and scarcely notice Melchizedek, and yet he is one of the main themes of the letter to these Hebrews, and he is highly significant too.
God was truly worshipped before Abraham was called.
Religion was pure to begin with.
We see that in the life of Noah.
It did not begin with animism and idols and spiritualism.
Worship was real and clean and unadulterated from the very beginning.
Religion has devolved downwards and not upwards, just like mankind.
Men worshipped the God most high.
Melchizedek holds the position and role and job of king and priest.
Later, God made Judah produce the kings and Levi the priests, but here is the city of peace being ruled over by a king of peace who is a priest.
At first Jerusalem was for everybody.
It was not only for Jews, and at the end it will be for everyone.
To get a city of peace, you need a king of righteousness, and that makes us think of these words which the angels spoke when Jesus Christ was born; "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace".
That has to be the order.
When man gives glory to Almighty God, there will be peace, and many people are searching for peace in these days.
Here is the route to real peace for individuals and even for nations.
Sandy Shaw
In fact, it would be impossible to get a more important theme! In my reading and studying of Hebrews Chapter 7 in the New Testament, it becomes very clear that the theme is 'looking unto Jesus'.
For everything, look to Jesus.
That is good.
Could any man dare to try to improve upon that? Never! The writer of this profound letter is showing how Jesus Christ is better than all the other priests put together, and that is what we are seeing in these verses.
We have a great high priest who has gone into the holies, the risen and living Lord Jesus Christ.
The Latin root meaning for priest is Pontifex who is a bridge builder, and Jesus Christ bridges the gulf and it is a big gulf to bridge and there is no one else who can bridge that gulf or chasm.
We are sinful and God is holy and we need a pontificate to bridge that gulf.
The writer begins where his listeners are and he goes back to the Old Testament, and he goes back to the first pattern of priesthood and it is a Gentile pattern.
He considers Melchizedek, who ministered to Jew and Gentile alike.
That is God's pattern and we have gone back to that pattern.
Having used and quoted from the Psalms now he goes back even further to Genesis Chapter 14.
You could read this letter and scarcely notice Melchizedek, and yet he is one of the main themes of the letter to these Hebrews, and he is highly significant too.
God was truly worshipped before Abraham was called.
Religion was pure to begin with.
We see that in the life of Noah.
It did not begin with animism and idols and spiritualism.
Worship was real and clean and unadulterated from the very beginning.
Religion has devolved downwards and not upwards, just like mankind.
Men worshipped the God most high.
Melchizedek holds the position and role and job of king and priest.
Later, God made Judah produce the kings and Levi the priests, but here is the city of peace being ruled over by a king of peace who is a priest.
At first Jerusalem was for everybody.
It was not only for Jews, and at the end it will be for everyone.
To get a city of peace, you need a king of righteousness, and that makes us think of these words which the angels spoke when Jesus Christ was born; "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace".
That has to be the order.
When man gives glory to Almighty God, there will be peace, and many people are searching for peace in these days.
Here is the route to real peace for individuals and even for nations.
Sandy Shaw