Real Estate Investing & the Road Less Traveled
" Winston Churchill Would you call yourself a pessimist? An optimist? Or maybe even a "realist"? So many people today avoid these types of labels.
It's often far easier to disregard them, or to only use them socially when it helps a person "fit-in", and therefore they are identifying more with their peers then with themselves.
So now take a moment to be honest with yourself...
Are you a pessimist or an optimist? Picture this: tomorrow is trash pick-up and you need to gather up all the garbage from your home and take it out to the curb.
What does your picture look like? Reluctantly gathering bags of trash from all the different waste buckets in your home, touching the gross, smelly Chinese food from 4 nights ago, lugging the big bag out to the can, throwing off the lid, tossing in the trash, and dragging the can down all the way down to the corner in your socks stepping on every single pebble along the way...
and then ahhh...
finally done.
Thank God.
Or have you been looking forward to cleaning up this unsightly mess? You remember this is the perfect time to clean out your desk drawer and gain some organization, not to mention toss those silly knick-knacks lying around you can't even remember why you bought.
Maybe while your picking things up you will find that battery you have been meaning to replace in your favorite watch! If nothing else, you know you really don't want all that trash lingering around for another week.
See the difference? The path to becoming a real estate investor, or achieving whatever it is your picture of success looks like, is a long, windy, bumpy, and sometimes unforgiving road.
You are guaranteed to meet many challenges and obstacles along the way.
The question is, how will you meet those challenges? If you're first deal doesn't close, will you decide that maybe this isn't really for you? That your dream isn't "realistic"? Or will you take what you've learned and move forward with even greater confidence, knowing in your heart you will make it, somehow, someway? When you look at the world through pessimistic goggles, every step along the way is a pain in the butt.
Something else you'd rather not do or don't have the time to deal with.
You will tend to procrastinate, or simply never accomplish anything.
It will consume your attitude, drain your energy, and bring your negative emotions to the forefront of your thoughts.
Every time you hit a bump, you lose ground.
When you see through optimistic lenses, your world can change entirely.
Every problem has a solution.
Every obstacle has a way over, under, around, or straight through.
Each challenge provides you the opportunity to grow, and therefore takes you once step closer to achieving your dreams.
So ask yourself again, "am I an optimist or a pessimist"? Are you bigger than your problems, or are your problems bigger than you? Remember, defeat only becomes failure when you stop trying.
Sometimes changing your perspective is just the push in the right direction you need.