How to Stay Clean and Independent at the Same Time
For those who want to retain some semblance of independence, a walk in bathtub may be the answer that they have been looking for.
Walk in bathtubs have a door in the side that allows the person to walk into the bath before the water is run.
Once closed, the bath is run as normal but the person does not have to climb in or out.
As people get older, the ability to take care of themselves is somewhat reduced by extenuating circumstances.
Arthritis or slow tightening of muscles that are becoming older which leads to stiffening of the body both contribute to the effects of not being able to move around as easily as before.
Many people will then feel like they have to depend on others to help them with even the most fundamental of activities.
Those who are too shy or too independent will suffer the humiliation and embarrassment of having to be helped to bathe as if they were still children.
For those who cannot face this, going without bathing is the only option and this then leads to isolation amongst other psychological effects.
For people to keep their dignity, a simple innovation was needed.
Lifts to help people in and out of the bathing water was a great invention but sometimes this is also not enough to keep them independent.
By having a door on the side of the tub, the user can just do what they want without the help of anyone else being in the room.
Some tubs come in the upright version for those who find it difficult to bend from the knees.
This is a very similar concept but the person does not have to lie down to get the feeling of bathing chin deep in water.
Ladies in particular love the feeling of lying in warm or hot water and this is probably the only way that they can achieve it if they have problems with mobility.
Of course, some people may want the benefits of having a whirlpool effect added in this style of tub.
This is possible and can bring much needed relief to tired or stiff muscles even for the able bodied people.
Simply by allowing the water to massage the body brings immense relief too many people and can be used simply to relax after a heavy or stressful day.
For those people who have been injured in car accidents or the like, this style of whirlpool will help with the healing process.
It is not necessary to always pay for outside therapy.
Just by allowing the warm and pulsing water to do its work will prove to be most beneficial over time.
Even hospitals will recommend this kind of hydrotherapy but if one can do this in the privacy of the home, and as many times as liked, then this surely must be a great way to help the healing process.