Discover The Truth About Caleb Lee" s New Weight Loss Program
So what is 5 tips to lose stomach fat? Its a program actually by a good friend of mine named Caleb Lee. Caleb is just your regular, normal dude who happens to have around 4-5% body fat and keeps it at that level for all year round. In fact, he kind of shys away from the spotlight, cameras and showing off his body, which is the complete opposite of a lot of other trainers and fitness enthusiasts that you see online. A lot of people are always asking him how he can keep his body fat levels so low year round and it finally got to him. Thats why he created this video presentation on 5 Tips To Lose Stomach Fat and how he created The Super Diet. He basically just got fed up with everyone asking the same questions so he created a no none sense based system on how he maintain low levels of body fat year round and how you can do the same thing.
The whole gist of the entire program is what to eat and when to eat certain foods so you can drop pounds of belly fat without even lifting a finger. I mean, you do have to exercise with the program, which Caleb provides various workout templates and programs for you to follow, but a lot of the success with many who tried The Super Diet credit the eating program entirely to their results. Its pretty crazy that many people still think that a calorie is just a calorie, but truthfully its not. Protein, carbs, and fats are chemically made up of different compounds; therefore they have different effects on your physiques by affecting certain systems inside of our body.
For example, a human being can go years without eating a single carbohydrate and still survive, but that same human being would not be able to go years surviving only on carbohydrates and no protein or fat. In fact that person would have numerous health problems and die as results of such low levels of protein and fat consumption. This is one of the big things he talks about in his system.
The other is the big lie that the health and fitness companies talk about all the time regarding eating whole grains such as wheat bread and other foods that are supposed to be great for our health. Im sorry but this couldnt be further from the truth. You see the problem is that we humans never evolved on wheat or gluten, which is the main culprit in a lot of underlying health problems inside of our body. It is hard for our body to break down gluten which is found in basically all types of foods and not only whole grains such as wheat and such. By eating this stuff, it causes inflammation in our intestines, which then wreaks havoc on many of our systems. Our body is an intricate mechanism so when one thing goes wrong, the potential for many different systems to be thrown out of whack goes up.
People have found that when they just gave up whole grains and anything containing wheat, they almost instantly dropped pounds of belly fat without doing a single thing or exercising. This is pretty cool news.
There are some other fine points that Caleb points out in his free video presentation titled 5 Tips To Lose Stomach Fat, but I dont want to reveal everything to you just yet. I would just go and watch the entire presentation for yourself, you will definitely learn a lot.
The whole gist of the entire program is what to eat and when to eat certain foods so you can drop pounds of belly fat without even lifting a finger. I mean, you do have to exercise with the program, which Caleb provides various workout templates and programs for you to follow, but a lot of the success with many who tried The Super Diet credit the eating program entirely to their results. Its pretty crazy that many people still think that a calorie is just a calorie, but truthfully its not. Protein, carbs, and fats are chemically made up of different compounds; therefore they have different effects on your physiques by affecting certain systems inside of our body.
For example, a human being can go years without eating a single carbohydrate and still survive, but that same human being would not be able to go years surviving only on carbohydrates and no protein or fat. In fact that person would have numerous health problems and die as results of such low levels of protein and fat consumption. This is one of the big things he talks about in his system.
The other is the big lie that the health and fitness companies talk about all the time regarding eating whole grains such as wheat bread and other foods that are supposed to be great for our health. Im sorry but this couldnt be further from the truth. You see the problem is that we humans never evolved on wheat or gluten, which is the main culprit in a lot of underlying health problems inside of our body. It is hard for our body to break down gluten which is found in basically all types of foods and not only whole grains such as wheat and such. By eating this stuff, it causes inflammation in our intestines, which then wreaks havoc on many of our systems. Our body is an intricate mechanism so when one thing goes wrong, the potential for many different systems to be thrown out of whack goes up.
People have found that when they just gave up whole grains and anything containing wheat, they almost instantly dropped pounds of belly fat without doing a single thing or exercising. This is pretty cool news.
There are some other fine points that Caleb points out in his free video presentation titled 5 Tips To Lose Stomach Fat, but I dont want to reveal everything to you just yet. I would just go and watch the entire presentation for yourself, you will definitely learn a lot.