Alternatives To Tummy Tuck
No doubt tummy tuck cosmetic surgeries had been quite popular for those intending to have a flatter and shaped belly but the procedure is painful, costly and has few risks involved.
With the advancement of technology in the medical field, cosmetic surgery has also seen a tremendous growth and there are certain alternatives available to reduce a fat tummy.
Therefore, it might be prudent if you opt for one of the alternatives to tummy tuck.
Some of the well known tummy tuck alternatives are as follows: Liposuction - This is an advanced type of cosmetic surgery which is based on the principle of suction for removal of excess fat.
In this method, a small incision is done at the point of surgery inside which a small tubular pipe called as cannula is put with an attached suction device.
This device helps in pulling out excess and unwanted fat from the desired area of the body and it is drained out through the tubular pipe.
In this manner the excess fat is pumped out from the various parts of the body.
This procedure is painless and there are nil post operative complications.
Thermage - To overcome the menace of sagging skin and belly, problems that are mostly seen in older women or those who undergo vigorous exercise and diet plans.
In this method, high frequency heat waves are penetrated deep inside the layers of skin which heats them up.
While, near the surface of the skin the skin gets cooled.
The layer where the skin is heated promotes collagen production which then promotes tightening of the skin.
This tightening gives a firm and youthful looking skin.
This is an excellent method to straighten up the wrinkled and sagging skin.
This procedure does not require any incision and, therefore, is a good alternative to tummy tuck.
Natural Sculpting System - This technique gives results practically overnight.
Although not accepted by many, it surely it something to look into if you do not want to go under the scalpel.
It involves application of certain lotions and gels in which the key ingredients are mostly urea, green tea, rosemary, yarrow and bladderwrack.
These are applied at the affected part for one complete night and results are visible the very next day.
With the advancement of technology in the medical field, cosmetic surgery has also seen a tremendous growth and there are certain alternatives available to reduce a fat tummy.
Therefore, it might be prudent if you opt for one of the alternatives to tummy tuck.
Some of the well known tummy tuck alternatives are as follows: Liposuction - This is an advanced type of cosmetic surgery which is based on the principle of suction for removal of excess fat.
In this method, a small incision is done at the point of surgery inside which a small tubular pipe called as cannula is put with an attached suction device.
This device helps in pulling out excess and unwanted fat from the desired area of the body and it is drained out through the tubular pipe.
In this manner the excess fat is pumped out from the various parts of the body.
This procedure is painless and there are nil post operative complications.
Thermage - To overcome the menace of sagging skin and belly, problems that are mostly seen in older women or those who undergo vigorous exercise and diet plans.
In this method, high frequency heat waves are penetrated deep inside the layers of skin which heats them up.
While, near the surface of the skin the skin gets cooled.
The layer where the skin is heated promotes collagen production which then promotes tightening of the skin.
This tightening gives a firm and youthful looking skin.
This is an excellent method to straighten up the wrinkled and sagging skin.
This procedure does not require any incision and, therefore, is a good alternative to tummy tuck.
Natural Sculpting System - This technique gives results practically overnight.
Although not accepted by many, it surely it something to look into if you do not want to go under the scalpel.
It involves application of certain lotions and gels in which the key ingredients are mostly urea, green tea, rosemary, yarrow and bladderwrack.
These are applied at the affected part for one complete night and results are visible the very next day.