The 3 Most Well Known Eating Disorders
Not only is food a necessity for survival, but it is also a valued commodity in other areas of life as well. It is an integral part of some of the most important celebrations and events in the world. But, on the other hand, many people also seek it during times of heartache and depression.
Unfortunately, this is the reason that a lot of people eventually develop food related problems. They eat when they are happy. They eat when they are sad. It does not matter if they are hungry or fail to have an appetite. It becomes a habit or sickness that they cannot control. Depending on where you are standing, food can be considered both a saviour and a culprit.
There is no denying that it is very enjoyable to sit down with family and friends and eat a favorite meal complete with a delectable and fattening dessert. However, for various reasons, there are those who cannot handle the emotions and consequences that are involved with eating food. The following article is going to talk about three of the most popular disorders that are associated with eating.
Anorexia is one of the most well known eating disorders. Most people who have problems with eating usually eat too much. However, when it comes to anorexia the exact opposite is true. A person who suffers from anorexia does not want to gain weight, so they refuse to eat. This person fears that she is too fat. As a result, she will do anything to make sure that she does not gain weight.
Basically, she will take drastic steps to get rid of pounds so that her body does not show any signs of getting fatter. For example, a person who suffers from anorexia will not eat normal meal portions, if anything at all. She will also exercise excessively in order to get rid of the pounds that she thinks are making her look to fat. In addition, she will take large amounts of laxatives and diet pills to purge her system of food.
Unfortunately, a person who suffers from anorexia does not have the same definition of fat that the average person has. What she considers a fat body would be what the average person calls a skeletal frame consisting of meat and bones. Simply put, anorexia is a serious psychological problem that requires medical attention.
Bulimia is also a very well known eating disorder. Unlike a person who suffers from anorexia, a person who has bulimia eats plenty of food. However, a person who has bulimia will make herself throw up after a hearty meal. Not only is this a huge psychological problem, but it puts a lot of pressure on the body via the digestive system. Stomach acid can corrode the insides of a person who constantly throws up food.
A bulimic is unlike an anorexic that has to avoid food or take laxatives as a way to lose weight. A bulimic will purge food, so she does not have to worry about gaining weight. She does not have a weight problem because she continues to weigh the same. However, she does have a psychological problem that needs to be addressed.
Binge eating disorder is not as well known as the other two eating disorders. In fact, many people would consider it to be a normal part of life. Sure, there will be times when a person wants to pig out uncontrollably. There are plenty of holidays and celebrations in which this will occur. However, the problem exists when this is done numerous times throughout the week in total privacy. A binge eater will participate in secret eating binges many times throughout the week. She will eat everything in sight and then feel guilty for her eating binge. As a result, she will often slump into a deep depression and usually end up eating even more. Thus, she starts a cycle that she cannot control.
All in all, food is there to be enjoyed by all. However, for some people, this is not a simple thing to do. This can be the result of numerous learned viewpoints or behaviors that are associated with food. It does not matter if you are thin, average weight or obese. For the people who suffer from anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder, the subject of food takes on a whole new meaning. Unfortunately, this group of people has a harder time dealing with food than usual.
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