How to Weatherize a Window Air Conditioner
- 1). Apply firm foam insulation. To do this, you should cut strips that are the length around your air conditioning unit. Press them into the space between the air conditioner and the window sills. If the area is really tight, use a putty knife to nudge the foam into the space.
- 2). Check the air conditioner filter and replace if it is dirty. If the filter is dirty, the unit will have to work harder to cool the space. A dirty filter also introduces allergens into the indoor air.
- 3). Prepare for winter. When you are done using your air conditioner for the season, weatherizing it for the colder outdoor temperatures can help to preserve the unit and keep your home comfortable. To do this, remove the front cover of the air conditioning unit. Place an unopened plastic garbage bag onto the unit. Replace the front cover. This will prevent air from traveling through the filter system while the unit isn't on.
- 4). Protect the outside of the unit. Products are available to cover the entire exterior of the unit. However, in some climates, this can cause the unit to rust because of trapped moisture. In this case, you should consider using a four-sided cover. This cover has a top, two sides and a back to protect the unit. The bottom, however, is open to allow moisture to escape.
- 5). Remove the garbage bag and external protection before using the air conditioner again.