An Amish Ritual for Coming of Age
- Rumspringa begins when Amish teenagers reach the age of 16. This is when they are considered adults, as they have already finished their mandatory schooling. Since they are not yet baptized members of the church, they are not subject to the rules and regulations of it, and may act as they please. Rumspringa doesn't have a designated ending time; when a teenager decides to be baptized, this signals the end of Rumspringa.
- Amish youth taking part in Rumspringa remain at home with their parents during this time. It is rare that the youth will actually leave their homes and go live in a big city or with other people. Because they are still teenagers, and the majority of Amish teens return to the church after they've experienced their "running around" in full, there is little need for them to move out from their parents' homes.
- The primary purpose of Rumspringa is for Amish youth to interact with other young adults and form social groups. During this time, it is not uncommon for them to begin courting or dating, in hopes of finding future marriage partners. Some milder youth groups will meet to play volleyball or participate in group singing. The more extreme youth groups will go out to concerts or party. There are also social in-betweens.
- It's a common misconception of non-Amish to assume that Amish parents give their children license to run wild and free. This is not the case; instead, it is an exercise in demonstrating the idea of free will. Some parents urge their children to go out and explore the world, feeling confident they will return to the Amish way of life. Others are hesitant or more reluctant. A number of parents remain strict and forbid their children from indulging in worldly pleasures.