Blogging - Generate Free Traffic Streams
Many people don't have the funds to pay for Traffic and look for other avenues to generate traffic to make sales.
Many people are using more than one social media site like Twitter, Face Book, Google+.
Pinterest, MySpace, Instagram, LinkedIn and more.
Often times they engage in conversations on one site, then go to another site.
So put your Blog out there on all the different sites to monetize and advertise your site to get great traffic.
Using FREE ads sites will help you get your site out there for others to see.
You may have to update your ad every so often but this is a good time to see if the ads your running are effective or need to be tweaked or changed.
Run several different types of ads till you find out which ad is effective to bring you the best traffic.
Do a Google search and you will find a lot of resources.
Creating good quality content and doing Article Marketing gets you a wide range of traffic as other people will like your content and put it on their site.
People will read your content and when you put your link at the end of the content they can go to your site for additional information.
On your Blog put Like, +1, Google +, Tweets, Pin Boards apps helps create traffic to your site.
When someone clicks on these buttons your Blog will be shared with that social media site.
This helps you to build fans, customers, followers to your Blog and shows search engines the relevance of your site.
Having several social media sites can be cumbersome and confusing.
A good way to manage your social media sites in one place is Hootsuite.
With Hootsuite you can see how your ad campaigns are doing, respond to comments, manage them and engage appropriately with each site.
Social Media is about communicating and commenting.
Like things on different sites so people begin to see your name, and feel comfortable with you sending out things.
It helps reduce fears in people, your groups and will help when its time to advertise.
They have seen your name and may have liked some of the things you shared.
They will feel more comfortable clicking on your ads and going to your site now.
Instead of the new kid on the block your now one of the kids everyone sees around and comfortable.
Bookmarking Sites is another Free way to advertise your website or Blog.
Do a Google search for Bookmarking Sites.
There are a lot available to you like Squidoo, Digg, HubPages, Web 2.
0 sites, Delicious and more..
You will also need backlinks to your site and a good way to get your name out there is by leaving your link on other sites and commenting on other blogs with your keywords.
You can also do guest posting comments and people can click on your name and go to your site.
Plus you will get a backlink to your site when your comment is approved by the owner.
Please always be polite and respectful when leaving comments on other blog sites.
Even if you don't agree with what they are saying you can pleasantly disagree.
Don't advertise your blog on other peoples site too.
Chances are your comment will not be accepted if you do.
Read the other persons blog and make a good comment about what they wrote, chances are it will be accepted faster this way.
You will be creating good quality content on your site anyway so why not get that content out there to Article Directories like EzineArticles, GoArticles, ArticleBase to share with more people and they can come visit your site too for more information.
Put pictures related to your content this helps reduce fears from your buyers.
Using hot topics shows you what people are looking for, interested in, and looking to buy.
Finding a hot topic related to your niche with a link back to your site helping to reduce fears in your fans, followers and customers.
We hope you enjoyed this article and found it useful to help generate FREE Traffic Streams to your blog or website.
But just remember just because you built your blog or website does not mean people will come there.
Make sure you are using these resources to help increase your traffic and create backlinks to your site.
See the Resource Box for additional information to Drive Free Traffic to your site!