Psychosocial Preparation for Pandemic Flu in Australia
- In 2009, the patterns of a pandemic viral disease, H1N1 or swine flu, affected some Australian communities more than others. The country developed a strategic approach to determine the likelihood of a worldwide pandemic outbreak and reduce its impact on the population. Australia also pursued a method to prepare for any psychosocial and mental health effects of the virus.
- An outbreak may cause feelings of anxiety. A simple management technique involves focusing on positive actions and "slow, measured breathing," suggests Australia's Department of Health & Ageing.
- Electronic communication -- such as texting, emailing and phoning friends and family -- serves as a support system for ill people confined to their homes.
- Children may respond to fear and anxiety through behaviors such as regression and aggressiveness. Providing reassurance to children, as well as explanations about events and preparation plans concerning the pandemic will help them deal with what's going on, according to the Department of Health & Ageing.