The Secret to Flirting With Beautiful Women
- Step1Be yourself.
Don't try to be something you are not.
A lot of times guys try to be something they see at a movie or something they think women want to see.
This doesn't work.
If you are being yourself, and just being natural not only will the flirting process feel more natural, but you will feel more natural as well.
This makes the process more real and smooth, and eliminates any nervousness. - Step 2Don't try to hard.
When you begin trying to hard you step outside of your comfort zone.
Stay within your comfort zone.
Let it come naturally to you.
When you are yourself and you are relaxed, confident and certain of who you are you will magnetize women to you easier, than if you are trying too hard to impress.
The person that tries to hard to impress ends up impressing no one.
Move with effortless confidence, and walk how you walk, talk how you talk and let it flow. - Step 3Always be certain.
When you are certain of what you want and move with an aura of confidence you are going to flirt at a high level.
Be certain of what you want and what you are going to settle for.
Know exactly what you want.
Don't be arrogant or a show off just be certain of yourself and how you approach people.
Don't brag or boost this doesn't impress anyone.
Just be yourself, be confident, and be certain of what you want.