How Do You Get Bigger Muscles? The Main 2 Factors to Get Right
Of course the idea of getting bigger doesn't mean to get fatter, but usually to add more muscle to your frame.
If you're in this boat then these 2 lifestyle factors would be crucial to work on.
Diet If you where looking at losing weight then diet would be more important than the exercise component.
However eating heaps of clean healthy foods should also be considered a vital part to putting on clean muscle.
To gain muscle weight you need to eat more calories than you consume.
There are many ways to work out the number of calories you need to maintain your current body weight.
I would recommend using a few different ways then getting an average figure.
One way to work it out would be to establish your body weight in pounds and then multiply it by 15 (for men).
For women you would multiply your body weight in pounds by 12.
Theoretically if you ate 500 more calories per day then you calculated above you would put on one pound of weight each week.
If you ate clean healthy foods and exercised hard then it would most likely be all clean muscle as well.
Of course there is no exact science when it comes to calorie counting so you will need to adjust this amount dependent on how you feel, if you're putting on weight and/or how much activity you undertake each day.
Exercise This is a huge area, and to cover it in one article would be impossible.
That's why I would always recommend getting a muscle gain guide to explain to you the inside and outs of exercise to gain weight.
In general however, for someone who is looking to gain weight I would look at sticking more with resistance training.
3 - 4 days a week.
Doing a split body program should help you to achieve the results you are looking for.
If you are a beginner however, I would start off for at least 4 - 6 weeks on a whole body workout 3 days per week.
Contrary to popular belief adding cardio to your workout 2 - 3 times, will not make you smaller.
It will in fact increase your heart's aerobic capacity and help you burn body fat at the same time as building muscle.
Just stick to 20 minute sessions of High intensity interval cardio training and make sure it doesn't become the centre of attention in your overall workout program.
So, you may of heard it once before and here you may of heard it once again.
The two factors that contribute to getting bigger muscles the most are diet and exercise.
Generally speaking no one is more important than the other so it's important that you work equally on both to realize yourself, how to get bigger muscles.