How to Transform Debt To Wealth With $10 A Day
- 1). Forgo your morning specialty coffee and muffin at the local coffee house. Brew your own at home and bake your own breakfast treat to bring on the road.
- 2). Stop Smoking! This is a good idea, not only for your financial well-being, but your physical well-being as well.
- 3). Stop playing the lottery. Your chances of winning are about as slim as someone walking up to you and handing you a check for a million dollars. It's just not worth the expense.
- 4). Get into the habit of brown-bagging your lunch everyday. The average person spends over $10 a day just on eating lunch out.
- 5). Consider cancelling your gym membership...especially if you're not actually using it.
- 6). Try and recruit a group of co-workers to carpool. This alone could save you $10 a day. Better yet, take your bike or walk to work. That way you won't feel so bad about cancelling that gym memebership.
- 7). Stop reading newspapers or magazines. You can read most major publications online.