The Storage & Handling of Breast Milk
- Breast pumps are available in manual and electric styles to help mothers to continue breastfeeding in extenuating circumstances. Pump manufacturers provide guidelines for safe sterilization of equipment generally after each use or once per day. Standard hand washing practices must be followed before and after the use of a breast pump to make sure breast milk is kept clean. Bottles or other milk receptacles used for storing and feeding milk need to be cleaned in hot, soapy water after each use. Disposable liners for bottles are used once and discarded. According to, glass containers, hard plastics or breast milk freezer bags are the best options for storing milk.
- Manual expression of milk can be done through milking the breast by hand using the Marmet technique. Mothers who do not like using a breast pump or find the pump ineffective may prefer hand expression. To milk the breast the mother washes her hands, chooses a clean receptacle for the milk, such as a bowl, and begins to milk the breast from the outer edge until a flow is established. Once the milk is collected, it can be transferred into a sterile storage container if necessary and placed in the refrigerator or freezer.
- Mark the day and time breast milk was expressed when storing. It is best to store milk immediately after expressing in 2- to 4-ounce portions, but it can be kept for four to six hours at room temperature between, no greater than 68 degrees F. Breast milk stored in a refrigerator 39 degrees F and below can last from 72 hours to eight days. Storing breast milk in the freezer yields the longest storage time of six to 12 months when temperatures are between -0.4 and -4 degrees F. Thaw milk under warm, not boiling, running water or in the fridge overnight and shake when ready to use.
- According to, bacteria does not grow quickly in breast milk. If milk has just been pumped it can be kept in a clean storage container for four to six hours before needing refrigeration. When transporting milk to a caregiver’s home, already cold milk can be kept cool with ice packs in a cooler bag.
- Mothers who are away from their babies may be able to take breaks to actually nurse rather than pump and store milk when time allows. Many mothers nurse when they drop off the baby, at lunch or break, and right when they pick up the baby, reducing the amount of pumping and storing they must do during the time away.